PILLBOX: #135: Can You Answer Your Phone Please?

answer your phone

(Originally podcast on June 8th, 2008)

I had to go to New York City. I had to bring a large video camera and tripod with me, as well as a pressed shirt and pants. We had to fly in on Monday, video tape something at the crack of dawn Tuesday, and fly back to Los Angeles. It was a perfect plan. Until I got involved…

As an additional note: what someone receives a phone call placed at 7am in New York City, it is 4am in Los Angeles. Four. Sorry baby.

Check out the work of Seth and Nathan Anderson at Lullskull.com

Check out 7th Son: Obsidian and The Coverville 500 Concert. Watch Lance Anderson dot com for info on Verge of LA.

NOTE: The 7th Son: Obsidian is now available in “PRINT!”  Check out JC Hutchin‘s site for all the details!

2 thoughts on “PILLBOX: #135: Can You Answer Your Phone Please?

  1. Hello Dan! I always love receiving these dusty Pillboxes, thanks so much for considering us cheap b’tards. 😉

    Could you be so kind, as to post info to contact Lance Anderson? Sadly, I haven’t heard Verge of the Fringe in (gawd has it?) a decade? I’d like to again, but the cheap (again with the b’tards) manner in which I did it will not allow for his podcasts to come through the corporate firewall. NOW WHO’S THE B’TARD?

    At any rate, I love your podcast and rantings…keep ’em coming in 2013…I’ll hear them I guess in 2018! (Good grief).
    Best to you!
    L Pulveriza (Vette City Roller Derby veteran)

  2. Liza –

    Roller Derby!? Sweet. Just heard a radio story about derby girl and now I’ve gotta check it out! Where is “Vette City?”

    Lance is

    THANKS FOR LISTENING! More rants soon, new and otherwise…

    – dK

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