#85: Two Wheels Good

We had some strange technical difficulties, but they are all straightened out, so we now bring to you…

Today we talk about the LA Opera production of Manon, the big personal possession competition I guess I’m in with my friends and neighbors and the inspiring Mr. H.

Check out LAPodcasters.com for more babbling.

Here is the interim garage studio: 40w bulb, compressor/gate (in hard case), “MightySeek Box” with mic inside and recorder on top, mixer, headphones, the Craftsman screwdriver…

91 thoughts on “#85: Two Wheels Good

  1. the version that was linked to in itunes is only 31 seconds long. that should PROBABLY be fixed. i LOVED the show though!

  2. Hi Dan

    Loved the show! Glad H has the bike sussed now… I know what it’s like to fall off bikes – I fell off last week cycling to work down a hill, ouch! Still, you got to just get back on it!



  3. Dan,

    Your totally on the mark on your SUV buying friend……

    Glad to hear Hudson is rocking and rolling on the bike. Kids and adults move at their own pace…….

    Thanks for all the great podcasts.


  4. Hey Dan,

    Great show. Thought you might like to know that although opera singers still sing very loudly, they are using microphones hidden in their hair or glued directly on their faces. Yeah, I know! Glue on the face…

    Anyway, the microphone is a B6 Lavalier from Countryman.com. You can find a spec sheet at:
    The orchestra is all amplified as well using incredibly sophisticated automated mixiers. Each scene has its own settings that are called up so the people who’s microphones need to be on are on and those that need to be off are off. (Don’t want the sound of someone using the bathroom going out over the PA.) 🙂

    Great show man, I always look forward to it.


  5. Dan,
    Thoroughly enjoyed the show.
    I hope you remembered to turn the freezer back on again when you were done!
    You do a really good job describing your feelings, in regards to the birth of your son. Bringing the listener in close. Then hitting us with the comedy. Smooth.
    I just remembered something I heard/saw on TV recently…someone said “Isn’t that the most wonderful thing you have ever seen?!”
    My immediate response (as I do tend to talk back to the telly, especially when it is being daft) was “No, that would have been seeing my children born!”
    I really get what you said about being inspired by the determination, overcoming the fear (or ignoring it, even though it is there).
    This is why I listen to your show.
    Really personal detail, delivered very well, and laughs thrown in too. Priceless.
    I am no big fan of opera, but you do make a somewhat convincing case for it.
    Now I am remembering the whole childbirth thing…powerful moment in life. I can’t think of anything that compares.

    Thank you, sir.

  6. Top 6 Reasons to love The Bitterest Pill

    6. Studio G (for garage)
    5. Hudson and Tallu and Melissa guest appearances
    4. “…the tenor has the slightest resemblance to Rowan Atkinson.”
    3. No references to pop culture, and utter disdain for the rat race
    2. “is that the word – (insert very similar, but not quite right, word here)?
    1. Tallu’s “Goddammit!” moment

    Love the show. So glad you are back!

  7. Mr. Klass, you have described the epitome of the fall of modern soceity and societal interaction.

    Good show, sir.

  8. Fantastic as always. LOVE your story about the opera. I went to a “modern rendition” of West Side Story, and felt like I was watching a Spike Lee movie. Figure that one out.

    Hudson’s an inspirational to us all, as usual. We’re still waiting for the next Hudson Show.

    I prefer wagons. Or should I say wagens, for the VW lovers out there.


  9. Hi Dan,

    My son is only one years old, but I totally felt the emotion you had describing all things about Hudson. I often feel the same way…


  10. The people with the SUV comparison…If they do it once, give them a grace, as maybe they just spent a ton of money and they feel bad about it. If they do it twice, or with many other things, keep your distance, as they are not your friend. They are in it only for themselves, but feel free to show them how to be “real” by example, maybe they’ll “get it”……or maybe not.

    Loved the “H” conclusion. Very uplifting and inspiring. Personally, people labeled me as “late bloomer”. They said it was because I was born 1 week early. (yeah, sure that was it) I prefer to believe it’s because I’m a “thinker”. Every time I’ve ever tried to not think, it’s not gone well. I say, think away, but don’t foreget that thinking is worthless without the people you love.

    (Could go on, seing as you’ve touched a nerve with me…but this is your blog not mine) 🙂

  11. Dear Idiot,
    Yes. That is what your SUV-purchasing ‘friend’ was saying. She was just too self-absorbed to realize it. Plus, she’s trying to convince herself they made the right choice. (Which, of course, they didn’t. If you can’t fit everything you need in a station wagon, you need too much.) I enjoyed the rest of the show, as well. Loved the shout-singing description. And not to take anything away from your blooming son…ever…but perhaps that’s the source of your allergies? Gosh, I hope not.

  12. This episode was fantastic. I have a 2 year old son that has language and speech delays and just hearing him say the word “more” this summer brought tears to my eyes. Watching your child overcome obstacles and acheive goals is the greatest thing in the world. All the world is crazy, but we know what is really important.

    Keep up the good work. And keep on doing the show!

  13. Danny —

    LOVED the show. Didn’t feel so bad about my own feelings of inadequacy that my daughter (6 mos. older than H) “still” doesn’t ride a two-wheeler sans training wheels. And the whole “blooming” metaphor was beautifully composed and artfully delivered. But I expected no less. Am I wrong for wanting to hear the death story(ies)? You’ve always been a tease, but…


  14. Dan,
    As always, I loved the show. I Did want to make a comment on the SUV story that may help you see another reason for their actions. Given the state of the world right now with our war over oil, escalating gas prices and constant discussions about the link between vehicle exhaust and global warming, very few people right now consider buying an SUV an intelligent decision. My thought is they might be trying to avoid looking like the idiots they are for buying that vehicle by making you believe they had no real choice for what to buy. They need to convince everyone that if they didn’t get the SUV they wouldn’t have enough room for everything or everyone that they need to carry when they really only needed the extra room to carry their ever-expanding egos. My question to you is: did they also put their names under the stick figures in the back window?

  15. LOVED the show. Didn’t feel so bad about my own feelings of inadequacy that my daughter (6 mos. older than H) “still” doesn’t ride a two-wheeler sans training wheels. And the whole “blooming” metaphor was beautifully composed and artfully delivered. But I expected no less. Am I wrong for wanting to hear the death story(ies)? You’ve always been a tease, but…

    maskeli aylin

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