Book off-line, studio is down

Amazon has taken Podcast Solutions off the U.S. site, hopefully to take “Michael Klass” off the list of writing credits.

My laptop is in the shop. Yes, that is the same laptop that is the very heart and soul of The Bitterest Pill Production Center. Not good. Full diagnosis soon (I hope).

In the meantime, check out The Addicts’ Lounge

3 thoughts on “Book off-line, studio is down

  1. Oh Dan, my man!

    I’m JONESIN’ for my fav ‘cast. Tell your laptop “Get well soon” and hope all else is well with you. I know how ya feel as my server with all my podcast production, web server and mail server commited hari-kari this morning. It was quite bloody. No more haiku for a while… 🙁

  2. Sux when the guy that got me all ‘cited about podcasting has taken a hiatus from podcasting, especially when he chalks said hiatus up to writing a book on podcasting.


    OK, Klass. I’ll wait. Feel like Renton waiting until Mother Superiour gets the keys back to the smack pad.


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