#44: Addict’s Frankenshow Monster!

This one is cobbled together for the true addicts (myself included). Includes B-roll from NBC, Hudson’s take on Star Wars, a “Best Of” nugget from episode #2, Hudson “Roars,” and some rambling about the state of post-iTunes podcasting.

Music: Dave Aaronoff & the Details‘ “Trixie’s Playground” and The Adventures of Jet‘s “End of the Planet.”

Thank you for supporting independent podcasts.

18 thoughts on “#44: Addict’s Frankenshow Monster!

  1. Excellent, good to see a new epsiode released…its been a while. I’m hoping that we will be hearing from you more frequently from now on.

  2. >>>LibSyn, which is currently down, apparently due to the overwhelming amount of downloads other people are getting, thanks to iTunes.

  3. whew, I’m just glad you squeezed a podcast in this week because I was getting tired of searching my iPod everyday for it.

    I know what you mean about the mixed feelings about iTunes. At first, I was excited, then when my families’ 2 podcasts were left out and we’ve had to submit them, I was slightly bummed.They still aren’t up there. It’s killing me. On a less selfish note,the commercialism of podcasting was both a validation (at last!) and a bit of let down (its over…)Anyway, I went to bed so distressed about not being up on iTunes that I dreamt I was reading my mother’s blog (???) and she was raving about all of her favorite podcasts…of which yours was one. I was jealous. Poor me. Anyway, glad your healthy again. Your wife’s reaction is a woman thing. I am the same way because even on my deathbed I could persuade the children to keep the place together out of sheer guilt. But then, I don’t have a 2 year old anymore!

    Kim from Shakespeare Souffle

  4. Dan, let me just say thanks for giving us a little fix just to get us through the weekend. Hope you are feeling better after that food poisoning.

  5. Hey, I just wanted to say that your last show was hillarious. I love your show. It’s one of my favorite, and it definately aids me in getting through work.

  6. Hey! It’s summer and I’m just hanging around, doing nothing. I just heard about your show probably about two days ago from drfishy520 (whose commented before). Since then I’ve downloaded all of your Podcasts that are available on iTunes. I don’t mean to sound like a McDonalds commercial but I really am lovin’ it. I’ve been listening all day since 9:30 to your older Podcasts and they’re great. I’m actually listening to #25 right now. Thanks for keeping me occupied on this hot, boring, summer day.

    And I accidentally clicked your skype me button on the side there so if you see a skype call by me – there you have it. Sorry about that!

  7. Hello Dan. My name is Don Coco and I’m a blind person up in Sacramento. I just loved this podcast. I sure enjoyed hearing Hudson and loved the song at the end. I’ve been subscribed for a while and I’ll keep listening. Thanks for sharing your Honesty.

  8. Scott –

    Can’t get it through iTunes, iPodderX, iPodder…? What’s giving you the trouble. I’ve been messing around with the feed to get it iTunes compliant, and could have messed something up…

  9. Hehe. Hudson’s animal noises are awesome. “It’s kinda British” This Brit is feeling the love, Hudson, feeling the love 😛


  10. Much gleeful geeky clapping… quickly halted so that nobody question’s my masculinity. “A new one! A new one!”


    I think I’d have to agree with Hudson that some of his animals did sound a little “British”… maybe it’s the sound of a Brit who’s been denied his cuppa…. hmmm.

    Look forward to a full on rant when you get the time. Hope everybody’s healthy and happy even with all the insanity happening.

    Ciao 🙂

  11. Just found you via CC Chapman’s Accident Hash web site – you’re listed in his recommendations. Oh man – what a find! Hudson is a STAR! Had me roaring with laughter during the Star Wars review and the animal sounds. Sheer brilliance. I’m an addict too now. Long live independent podcasting.

    Cheers from a Brit who thought Hudson’s “British” comment was just knockout! He’s a natural broadcaster.

    Kingsley’s Corner Podcast

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