#46: We’re Addicted to the Show, Virginia!

I need to get the tale of the New York Times off my chest.

Music: “Factual Fiction” by Chris Crase w/The Rails

ps: Apologies to my friends who do Tech Podcasts. I was a bit of an ass at the top of this show, feeling my oats and being jerky about my ink. That being said, entertainment is here. Sorry.

20 thoughts on “#46: We’re Addicted to the Show, Virginia!

  1. Hey Dan,

    I’m not a regular visitor to Bitterest Pill Addict Central (sorry man), so I don’t know why the NYT author got the impression she did. But my take is that the author had listened to one and only one of your shows–the last one. Where else would she have gotten “depresive”?


  2. By the way, this experience should teach you to be more careful in your use of metaphor. I can see someone taking the phrase “feeling my oats” and writing an article which begins, “Mr. Klass, a self-described horse…”

  3. Erm, about those hundreds of people downloading the whole archives, it’s probably got something to do with the RSS + some aggregator’s incompatibility.

    There are two or three shows, like The Bitterest Pill, and WGBH Morning Stories, that makes NetNewsWire think that everything in the feed is brand new, and starts downloading EVERYTHING. Mind you, it’s annoying as hell, as I have to go thru deleting all the old stuff, and figuring out if there is really something new to listen to.

    I think that will explain why you get the archive downloads in spurts, as everyone using NNW or some other aggregators might just think you have something new to say 🙂 I do try to stop that from happening if I caught NNW in the act.

    PS: I’m an addict, and I need more shows 😉

  4. Wow. Describing someone as addict is basic 101 not to do press.

    So we have to write too, because we are in favor of addiction .. bah. No excuse for being lazy on their side.

    But having some media coverage in Germany over the last months for all german podcasters I can tell you: They are all butchering … Forget them being even close to correct.

    She should be ashamed of herself to make such a basic basic mistake.


  5. On an unrelated note, I just got through reading Linwood Barclay’s BAD MOVE (ISBN: 0553587048) and I was thinking that if they ever make this into a movie, you’d be perfect for the lead character, Zack Walker.

    Great book, fun read, and possibly even more entertaining if you’re reading and thinking, ‘I could play this guy!’

    Just a thought — and one I hope gets your mind off the NYT.

  6. Dan,
    Sorry about the NYT crap that they printed. That pisses me off. I listen to your show regularly, and they completely misrepresented you.

    The mainstream press (specifically the NYT) is way out of line. You have the right to be upset. The writer sounds like a ditz, like 3/4 of the girls I went to high school with. (I live in Orange County). Except instead of being some sheltered OC girl, she’s a Harvard graduate and writer for the NYT…wow, that’s scary.

    Don’t be discouraged though. You have one of the greatest shows out there, and your listeners love you. I appreciate your shows because of your integrity, honesty, and comedic relief that you seem to find in everything. Thanks for doing your part in trying to get this world to lighten up.


  7. That whole article was a joke. I’m a regular listener to you, and to Keith and the Girl. It’s clear that the author listened to one episode for each podcaster, and then described each show like that’s what it’s always about. Totally lame. Yours was definitely the worst, though. I found today’s episode very interesting! Call me an addict!

  8. The ‘talking about addiction while his baby cries in the background’ part was horrible. Forget the whole ‘addict’ thing, that kind of shit could get the family affairs folk down on your head for being a negligent parent. You’re a better man than I, my first call would have been to a lawyer.

  9. That article was ridiculous and insulting to you, you’re reaction was perfectly understandable.

    By the way: this was a great episode! 🙂

  10. I picked up the The NYTimes story online as part of a continuing effort to learn what I can about podcasting before meeting my next class of freshman writers at Purdue where I hope to make podcasting part of the composition requirement. Ok, that said, when I read the story, I was first amazed that an addict could afford the equipment, time, or attention to broadcast faithfully and then (I admit it) I felt bad for the baby crying in the background trying to catch the dried Cherrios.

    I was glad for the follow-up when Hillary at podcrawl mentioned her own disgust with the NYTimes for being so irresponsible in connecting you and your work with the concept of addiction. Hillary has been a main source of learning for me as I work to get a handle on yet another form of online publishing. Her posted mention of you was framed with the regard of a friend, someone with whom she was warmly familiar and on whose behalf she was heartily offended. So, having already read the NYTimes story, when Hillary sent me to “The Bitterest Pill” for what would be my first full-time podcast listen, I went and I listened.

    This roundabout story brought me to a wonderful 45 minutes with coffee this morning and a great ending/beginning, an answer to those who question why I’m chasing this work of podcasting down as a viable form of composition: Podcasting is people talking, you said, and I think we need more of THAT … a whole lot more of that and a whole lot less of the gloss and smear that sells papers for the NYTimes.

    While I’m sorry for the “hit” you took online and in print, I’m glad for the “find” it prompted for me and the first-person evidence in experience of the community that blogging (in all its forms) is and can be. -mg

  11. Dan,
    Sorry about the whole NY Times fiasco. My initial thought when I first read the article was, “I need to hit up Dan for some good drugs.” (That’s a joke, people).

    And you hit it right on the head about on-air personalities and podcasters as people talking. But didn’t you learn anything from Leykis 101?

    Just be thankful your son doesn’t go to school in San Bernardino County, now a new home to the “language” of Ebonics, as brought to you by the SBC School Board. Fo’ shizzle.

    Take care.


  12. Danny —

    1. Thanks for the “shout out.” (btw, that’s how “kids today” refer to a reference). ; )
    2. Peg Nichols, HHS Physics Teacher. One of my favorites as well, and I ALWAYS tell the “Question Authority” story to my own students, as well as the story about her daughter’s college graduation.
    3. Bravo on your response(s). Personally, and knowing you as I do and have, I was more offended by the “baby crying in the background” because I know of your absolute devotion to your children. The retraction didn’t say enough, or do enough — or perhaps I should say “un-do enough” in my opinion.
    4. Missing you guys, as always.


  13. Hey Dan,

    I had only listened to one of your shows before reading the NYT article, which left me wondering what Ms. Heffernan was smoking.

    Not only did she not get the story right on your podcast, it was clear that her only research for the article consisted of listening to probably what amounted to 1 min of each podcast she mentioned.

    For the two tech shows she “reviewed”, she clearly didn’t realize (or take the time to do the research) that it was the same person doing part of both podcasts. Yet, she proceeded to describe each as if they were totally different people.

    If a renowned publication like the NYT can no longer publish accurate information, who can we trust anymore?

  14. What a mix-up.

    I came to listen to Bitterist Pill becasue I thought it was a podcast by an addict. It sounded like it would be really interesting, some guy, trying to hold his life together, with a baby, crying neglected, just in sound range. And the guys’s biggest problem? His laptop…..

    So, I subscibe, and…. Dan doesn’t mention his additiction, no baby crying, ……. false pretenses! Or maybe, the drug addicition is under control, maybe the baby wasn’t crying because of the neglect of a drug-addled father.

    And then, I look at the NYT website and find a correction, telling me that you’re not an addicit. And I listen to the next podcast (I run a few days behind) and hear you moaning about your treatment by the NYT.

    So, my point is, you’ve been done over by the BYT – but so have we – the people mislead by the NYT; your podcast is nothing like they promised. (Well, it is interesting and worth listening to, but where’s the damn baby?)


  15. I don’t know why your podcast is listed under comedy, because you are not funny at all. If there was a section for whiners…you might fit the bill fine. I truly believe that you think you are way more important then you are. Your condescending tone of voice is laughable. So the New York Times said you are an addict, and you are worried that it will hurt your reputation. The truth is, nobody cares. So get your retraction, and get over it.

    Also, please don’t think that you are important enough to get someone at the New York Times fired from their job. I’m sure they are laughing at you, similar to the dramatic chuckle that you like to use to show how disgusted you are with them.

    By the way…how hard do you have to work to NOT be a drug addict. I happen to find it a pretty easy thing to do. I know, your head is spinning…wow.

    Congrats on your “communications law” class that you took. Could you take some time in your next podcast to mention it a few more times?

    I personally think you love this, so you can have something to complain about. If you could be a little less annoying, “that would really be GREAT”.

  16. I don’t know about you, Dan, but I can’t listen to an episode of your show without snorting a little glue. Everytime iTunes sends me a new show, it’s like “Whoo-hoo! New Bitterest Pill! Break out the Sharpies!” 🙂

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