NBC News tonight: Podcasting, Dan, the book…

Tonight at 6pm Pacific Time, NBC News 4 in Los Angeles will run the podcasting story I was involved in a couple months ago.

I haven’t seen it, but I know they shot Lance Anderson (Verge of the Fringe), KCRW, and me, my daughter, my garage…I’ll give full details on the next podcast, after I’ve seen the story. The only thing I know for sure is that I’m gonna look like an idiot. At least you’ll see that I’m not an addict…

2 thoughts on “NBC News tonight: Podcasting, Dan, the book…

  1. I TiVo’ed (or technically Scientific Atlanta’ed) it and just watched it this morning. Interesting how the reporter says that Dan “describes himself as an underemployed actor and comedian and stay-at-home dad” – the phrase “describes himself” stands out in light of the Heffernan debacle. Unfortunately I have no TV-to-computer equipment to upload it.

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