I’ve made it! I’ve finally made it!

Keith and the Girl hate me!

Luckily, they give me some great comedy pointers, and put my career into perspective.

Someone needs to explain to me why people who seem to hate me so much listen to the show so closely and have so much to say about it. Amazing. You would think they wouldn’t care…

49 thoughts on “I’ve made it! I’ve finally made it!

  1. Yeah…you did buddy…your finally made it. NOW MORE PEOPLE KNOW YOU ARE A LAME DOUCHE.

    KATG rule…and you sir…still suck!

  2. Dan!! I just listened to it and I feel so bad!

    Don’t worry about it. They’re somewhat funny, cocky jerks – and that’s the whole premise of their show. That podcast just shows that when they have nothing funny to say they grab at straws such as making fun of their competition. I just checked Podcast Alley and they’re number 2 for August. What do they need to go making fun of your show for anyway? You’re not a threat to their Podcast Alley ranking. And they act like you had nothing to be upset about when the New York Times wrote you’re an addict. You had every right to be upset. I can’t wait until your next podcast…sounds like you’ll have a lot to talk about.

  3. What are we in eighth grade?

    Ignore them Dan. You are right that the crossover audience is very very small. 99% of your “addicts” would never had known about this if you hadn’t made a big deal about it. Let it go, please.

  4. I listened to it for a minute..That is really, really low. It’s the kind of critique that pisses you off because of it’s disgusting nature, not because of the actual content. I’m never listening to that show again.

    As mentioned before, just ignore them.

    Simen P.

  5. I’m sorry to all my listeners, but I have to admit…I like things shoved in me and I’ll never change.

  6. Heck, sure Keith and the Girl went a little out of their way to slam out, but they still make a pretty good point.

    The second I heared the NYT show, I thought what a prick. If you were to have spoken to me like that face to face I would have decked you.

    I don’t want to call you out like them, but honestly the show is now where it was when you began. Back before the remodeling started you were consistent in content and timing. Now the show’s all over the place (with you considering a “popo-kaka” version just to stoop to someone’s level).

    In the beginning, your show grabbed me, but now I’m barely holdin’ on.

  7. Spoken to you like what? Are you serious?

    Hey, I’m the first to admit that is hardly my best show, and the show is all over the place at the moment as I get back up to speed, but MAN…the show is about being honest about what’s going on. Not every show is going to be golden. Decked me for what? Getting upset about what they wrote? You clearly have no idea how pissed off I was, man. The writer was lazy and wrong and it made me mad. Should I gloss over how I’m reacting to it and just tell another wacky celebrity sighting story? I had to get it out of my system. I don’t know, does everybody just want me to wait and let things blow over so I can stick to the safe stuff about diapers and auditions?

    “Back before the kitchen remodel” everything was as it had been. No book, no construction, no summer vacation…things here are and have been in an uproar and everything is out of whack. I don’t live alone, I live with my family on a tiny construction site, two kids home all the time. Believe me I know the show is suffering.

    I can take the crap from KATG. Not sure why they care what I say or do, but they have to talk about SOMETHING. But, when the listeners can’t empathize, can’t cut me some slack, I don’t know WHAT’S going on.

  8. Dan…listen…your whole thing getting upset because the NY Times called you an “addict” is so retarded. It’s not like the article was about herion. NO! It was about PODCASTING…so no one reading it is going to think you are addicted to drugs and it was used in reference to the name of your show. Of all the corrections I have seen in the NY Times…yours is the most retarded…I guess you just wanted more press which you got.

  9. I’m downloading this Podcast now, see what those dumbasses are complaining about.

    Dan, you have a great show and for many people like me its our favorite Podcast out there. Just ignore what those two morons on that Podcast say. Keep in mind that most of the comments here are probably from KATG and don’t know what they are talking about.

    Oh, and I actually really liked you’re rant on the NYT article.

  10. Dan,

    Good creates and evil destroys.

    These people (and their fans) are one dimensional…all they know how to do is entertain by tearing down others.

    Your fan base is multi-dimensional…we can handle a show that is funny, informative, sensitive, thought provoking, AND entertaining.

    You have a TOP PODCAST nominated show…they needed YOUR SHOW in order to do THEIR SHOW.

    Use this energy to give us MORE SHOWS…

    …success is the best revenge.

  11. I’ve never heard of these people before. I’m not the slightest bit interested to learn anything about them nor will I download their show to hear childish insults about a show I enjoy, and I person I respect. If I wanted to listen to juvenile behaviour I’d go hang by the smokers corner of a local high school.

    I’d say this whole thing is a non issue. You can’t please everyone all the time, especially people who never earned their stripes in maturity academy.

  12. Dan, I wouldn’t worry too much. I was a crossover fan, was. I enjoy your podcast for its laidback feel, its great to listen to at work. If people(KATG)can’t be mature enough to accept that everyone has different view etc, without resorting to adolecent name calling etc, then the world is a very bad place. KATG, I listened from day one, but when you resort to bashing other podcasts just to make a “funny” you no better than the schoolyard bully whose too insecure about himself to deal with the real world. And Dan, I’d be p’d off about the addict thing too, especially in the New York Times…
    I still enjoy your show, and hope other podcast listeners can realize that regardless of Podcast alley, its not a competition, its a way for people to express themselves. That’s my rant. Yay for professionals!

  13. You can tell the people who have ever been to New York City and those who haven’t. KATG are only saying what they say because THEY think it’s funny. and since it’s THEIR PodCast they get to say what they want.

    has it ever been more true? if you don’t like, don’t listen. no FCC to back you up here buddy.
    but i bet your buckin’ for civil court though. any path to fame is acceptable in LA i suppose. not in NYC

    say something interesting and i’ll start listening again. anything. please

  14. I like both shows, but for very different reasons. Yeah, they went extremely hard after you, but that’s Keith’s comedy. When I was listening to their show, I remembered the comment you had made about something being not quite right with the voting. Unfortunately, you opened yourself up for it.

    I can’t imagine how any of this is at all important. I enjoy both and continue to listen to both.

    That said, the show you did about the NY Times piece didn’t come off to me as angry. Maybe it’s just a difference between the east and west coast? I dunno. Too cutesy? Just your sense of humor/anger?

    Probably time to drop this and move on…

  15. …and isn’t it time to force Podcast Alley to dump it’s voting system? For one, it would be much more useful to track how many times a show is downloaded. Not how many people have been goaded to go and vote.

    And besides, Podcast Alley is irrelevant now that iTunes is on the block. Maybe turn it into an insider/podcaster site, which it is anyway…

  16. Dan,

    You do have listeners who will hang with you and support you. I got your back.

    It’s much harder to do a show likes yours, one person sharing intelligent and honest commentary about their life and family situations. It’s pretty easy to sit back and trash talk.

  17. The comments here are just as bad as the ones on KATG. Just with a nice tone to them. Still bashing one for the sake of others. I guess there are more adults over here.

  18. I think what many listeners fail to realise is that when someone is an actor – famous hollywood actor or even just someone that has made themselves known around the industry – something seemingly small like this will build and build due to the rumour mill that is present in this type of work.

    I think Dan did the right thing by correcting the NYT and fair enough the episode wasn’t that interesting but this is supposed to be a day-to-day style podcast.

    If you want pre-written silky smooth one liner material go somewhere else.

  19. it doesn’t make a difference, if – when you make a call to a major newspaper – you come across as a patronising bastard. If you wanted to be a pro about this you could have just made a call with a professional attitude and mutual respect and let it go.

    Whether intentionally sarcastic or for entertainment purposes the NYT shouldn’t have been used that way and you’ve probably done more damage with your podcast than the NYT could ever do. Especially when the article was full of crap to begin with.

    And I’m with the other guy … if someone had asked me with that attitude to make a correction to an article I’ve created, I’d want to punch them in the face as well.

  20. Dan –

    I hate to come back to it, especially days past, but I saw your comment and couldn’t leave it alone. And I want to make sure I come across without sounding like I want to beat you up for the sake of it.

    You said “talk to you like what?” … It was your attitude. I wouldn’t even talk to a 5 year old like that, much less an adult. That’s the kind of attitude I would expect from a teenage girl that thinks she knows it all. You may have been right about your position, but the second you chose to be smug and pompous it killed yourself. It would have been a great show if you had address the situation, took care of it, and led us through it, but not while being priggish. What makes us better then the lazy and stupid people, is not stooping to their level.

    And yes, you’re right, you have a family, and a book, and a construction zone… but so does the rest of the world. And in our own way, while carrying a million things on our back, we still stupidly ask for more. But where the differences is, we don’t tout it to the world.

    I work two jobs, consistently try to renovate our whole house a room at a time, while stupidly accepting contract jobs from people that can’t afford to pay me. And when I do a lousy job on something that I won’t get paid crap for anyway, I still don’t say… “you see, it’s all this other stuff,” I apologize and expect myself to do better the next time.

    Yes your show is about your life, and we are at it’s whim, but the complaining about life gets old because every one of us has our own million things to do…you just don’t hear about it.

    Jay, MO.

  21. Dan, it’s just like the bully in grammar school: He’s just looking for attention.

    Then again, what podcaster isn’t?

    Well, I haven’t heard the KATG show, so I can’t really say too much except that jealousy usually leads to taunting. It’s all about insecurity, man.

    And having been on both sides of that fence, I know a thing or two about this whole mess.

    Keep up the good work. It’s like all the “pro radio” guys who have to put up with shit from people like that all the time. Look at Howard Stern…and he asks for it!

  22. oh, by the way, I was listening to This Week In Tech, and they briefly mentioned the New York Times article and the retraction. They don’t seem to like that reporter either, seeing as she made a somewhat derogatory comment about their show too.

    What’s with all the bad vibes?

    And how do you not get the addict concept?

    Makes me wonder what these ‘reporters’ actually do all day. Oh, wait, i’m in the TV biz…i know what they do. Jump to conclusions.

  23. Well, I heard about this on Mr X. I won’t be listen to the show in question. I’ve tried to like their show but it is not my style. I can handle dawn and drew but not these guys. There seems to a trend in some podcasts to really slam on each other, I really don’t like that style. It is hard not to let stuff like this get to you. Keep up the good work


  24. Grow up, children.

    Dan had a very good reason to be patronising to the reporter at the New York Times: the article she wrote was potentially SLANDEROUS. It gave the impression that Dan: a) is addicted to drugs, b) breaks the law on a continuous basis, c) ignores his child, and d)creates a “compelling” podcast because he’s such a loser.

    Do you people not get that? Do you not understand that anyone reading the article who did not know Dan from Adam, would make the connection that he is a DRUG ADDICT. Not exactly HELPFUL to someone pursuing a career anywhere, but especially in the entertainment industry.

    When a person writes that someone is a “self-described addict,” especially in the context of today’s Oprah-based media confessional culture, it would be natural to assume he was addicted to drugs, or alcohol, or some other addictive substance, not addicted to comedy, or to podcasting. In fact, I would be quite surprised if anyone with any intelligence reading that NYT would assume that Dan WAS NOT a drug addict, merely a sarcastic comedian. And for the reporter to not understand this clear distinction is the height of either idiocy, naivete, or a disingenuous stance designed to cover her ass (and her employer’s).

    As an adult, I give people a chance to earn my respect, whether they went to Harvard, or work for the New York Times, or are the President. And if they fail that test, they do so based upon their own actions. Ms. Heffernan failed the test, miserably. Dan held himself WAY BACK in confining his attitude to merely condescending, rather than the full screaming outrage that was quite justified.

    Have a nice day, kids.

  25. Okay, now on to Keith and Girl…

    Boy, I forced myself to listen to the entire segment where they make fun of Dan, and it was tough sledding, let me tell you.

    First of all, let me say that I moved 3000 miles away from New York City so that I could be almost as far away as possible from a-holes like this without leaving the country.

    Second, let me say that Keith, a self-described “jerkoff consultant,” sounds just like that loser from the Opie and Anthony show. The minute I hear that annoying accent I want to shoot myself in the head. This is bad Howard Stern derivative nonsense three times removed.

    I noticed they felt Dan had slighted them, (“Wah! He wasn’t nice to us months ago!”) and now they get their “revenge.” Yawn. If all you can do is deconstruct another podcaster’s efforts, you are sorely lacking in ideas, people.

    To be fair, they did give a half-heared “in his defense” at the end, attacking the reporter.

    Finally, they close by comparing Dan Klass to 9/11. Real nice, jerks. I won’t be listening to your drivel again.

  26. Dan,
    I’ve been a long-time listener and your podcast is consistently one of the best shows out there, IMHO. It’s no BS, but straight-from-the-gut honesty. I listened to your show on the NYT article and you have every right to be upset. And attitude? There was no other way to handle it. What that reporter did was make a journalistic cardinal sin, not to mention it wasn’t that great of an article.

    I know this because I’m a managing editor of a small magazine and I know that everything I write that will be printed better be factual and had best be written well. Because whatevery is printed that is inaccurate can be libelous (crash course: slander is spoken).

    With everything that has gone on with high profile journalists being outed for making up stories and sources, you’d think that the institution of print journalism would do a better job of polishing its image.

    As a writer, that whole situation just irked me. I mean, she’s writing for the New York Times! WTF? Stop trying to be cute and just report the facts.

    Anyway, best of luck with everything, Dan. Looking forward to the book. Can’t wait for the next episode because I’m jonesin’.

    Truly an “addict,”

  27. I’ve just listened to KATG, and then your show. I really don’t see what the point of your phoning the New York Times was. You took something virtually non-existent and almost certainly ruined any connection you might have with the New York Times. I’d lay good money that if they do another article on podcasting, you won’t be in it.

    I’ve specifically not compared show quality, or said how good I think your show is, because I just wanted to comment on this. You came across in your dealings as rather naive, did anyone you know who read that article phone you up to ask about these drug problems you’re supposedly having? I’ll guess no, because they all understood the context the piece was written in. You’ve come out of this badly, Mr. Klass.

  28. well with all that’s been said, I think it boils down to “we’re flogging a dead horse here” time to let Keith and the Girl do their thing however they see fit, and then you, Dan can get back to happier times. I think that’s a good idea.

  29. Irony is:
    Someone posting about having a desire to punch someone else in the face because of a perceived tone and attitude, while exuding more tone and attitude than the person in question.

    Also filed under, Idiots with Keyboards.

  30. I must be one of the few crossovers because I love your show and I love KATG. You are a great story teller and I really enjoyed the NYT show. I also really enjow KATG. They are by far the best and funniest of the guy/girl podcasters out there. Maybe they were a little rough on you but this is show business and it was funny.

  31. Nothing ironic about it, I’m not calling the NYT or talking on a professional level. I’ve dealt with many people who I would happily punch in the face outside of my job.

    In a professional environment you deal with people according to their status. Which means you ask nicely or hold back your venom to maintain a business relationship. If your friends think you are an ass it makes no difference, if your clients think you’re an ass then you just screwed yourself. Especially when you do it in public.

    The NYT author was out of line and a poor writer and researcher. I see that every other week and I have to address it. When I do, I call them dicks in private then deal with them as a pro. And it’s business as usual.

  32. Interesting Podcast indeed. I mean it totally rips off The Old Danny The K show from the early 80s, and I’m sure that guy is gonna sue. But this Hudson shows real promise.

  33. LD, you know almost nothing about my interaction with the Times. What you heard was probably less than 5% of my dealings with them. You don’t know anything about my conversations with the editor and very little about my conversation with the writer. The editor and I spoke several times, and after calmly explaining the situation to him, he immediately agreed that a correction was in order. He was even good enough to run an early version of the correction by me on the phone. The writer and I had a very long and friendly chat (which I think I mentioned on the cast): we talked about podcasting, my show, her summer plans, her impending motherhood, etc. We are professionals.

    Do you think I’m the first person who has called with an attitude after they’ve printed something libelous? Hardly. Do I think it’s my finest hour? Certainly not. They messed up and I called them on it, they made it right and we parted friends. I’VE been over it for weeks now. KATG brought it back up, not me. YOU are the one who is so aghast about the tone of my original messages. You were expecting me to treat them like the are “THE NEW YORK TIMES” and I am nobody. But, as soon as they printed that junk, they lost that status with me. They were not a prospective client that I had to eat shit to please. I was pissed and we worked it out. Like professionals.

    The great thing is that my momentary anger at KATG for ranting about me has been successfully redirected to you. Thank you.

  34. Dan Klass said, “NOW what will I talk about on the next ‘cast?”

    Hm. Lessee now… [holds a blank envelope to his forehead] I getting something… The show seems to be titled Fools and Irony or The Irony of Fools. I’m definitely getting a strong vibe on the ‘fools’ part.

    Was I close?

  35. Let me sum up the comments so far:

    blah blah blah, me me me, you suck, no you suck, blah blah blah… yawn.

    Personal attacks have no professional legs. I’m ready to move on. I look forward to your next show, Dan.

    — Scott Fletcher
    — Podcheck Weekly Review

  36. Congrats, man! I could only DREAM of invoking such animosity from such a couple of douchebags. That’s awesome! You might get a few new listeners (I’m sure SOME of their audience aren’t total j-holes), and as for what they think, obviously, wtf-ever.

    another all-over-the-place inconsistent caster

  37. Dan –

    I subscribe to a mess of Catholic podcasts and just one secular podcast: yours. The NYT episode, in my opinion, was actually one of the funniest ones in awhile. I didn’t take it as griping as much as stating what happened and turning it into a funny story. Besides, I think the NYT is a piece of trash so I wasn’t surprised to hear what they did to you. Perhaps that’s what made it funny.

    As far as the trash-talk podcast you are considering, my vote is for not doing it. There’s a reason I don’t subscribe to a whole lot of other podcasts and there’s a reason I listen to yours. It’s enjoyable to hear another dad ramble on about the kinds of stuff that happens to a real family.

    Just keep doing what you’re doing and don’t think about it too much. That’s what makes it funny.

    Greg (from the Rosary Army podcast)

  38. I’ve jumped on the podcast bandwagon kinda late. I tried to fight it. Then, it came with iTunes so I figured I’d go ahead and try it out. TBP is the second podcast I’ve tried. The first was this NPR thing… it was boring. This though… is entertaining. It’s smart and witty. You’re not doing dick and fart jokes like KATG. Granted, I guess KATG is a different brand of comedy and they have their own following. You can’t really fault them. It’s different… like Carrot Top or prop comics in general. I don’t think it’s funny but others do… Carrot Top is doing well… he must have a following and that’s okay. BTW, how would you feel if you’re “the Girl” in KATG? You don’t even have equal billing. Obviously, it’s open casting. It’s a revolving door kinda like Menudo. You know, you reach a certain age… you grow facial hair… and suddenly, you’re a solo artist. Same thing with “the Girl”. You tell Keith to take out the trash… your IQ shoots past 60… you say something funny… let’s face it, your time is limited my friend. Maybe, Keith should be so lucky. After all, the show could’ve been called, “Keith and His Lonely Night of Porn” or “Keith and His Second Cousin”. It just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Godspeed, Dan. Your show is great.

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