Tony Kahn & “Morning Stories”

Had a great phone conversation yesterday with Tony Kahn, producer/director/host/soul of WGBH’s Morning Stories. What a great guy. Our conversations tend to be a meandering through all of life’s great puzzles, the future of podcasting, and whatever else a stray remark form one might spark in the other. He recorded our call, and intends to cut it down into a podcast. I wish him luck. I’ll keep you posted.

2 thoughts on “Tony Kahn & “Morning Stories”

  1. Ok addicts…

    To finally let this issue drop and be clear. I was wrong, the New York Times and KeithandtheGirl were right. 100%.

    To top it off, I’m an addict to the nose candy and I like it in the butt.

    Dan Klass.

    ps, I also like eels.

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