My voice is gone. Gone. I get whatever-this-is every year or two. Just need to keep quiet and wait it out. I’d better be back to normal by Friday’s live show…
The Latest: The show is featured on Yahoo! Podcast page, in their “Staff Picks” section. Thanks, Yahoo! Little do they know I check my.Yahoo every morning for the forcast when I’m getting Hudson’s clothes out for school. Thanks to for letting me know…
Also, I need to thank the geniuses at iPodderX. Not only to they make what is easily the best “podcatcher,” but they also dig the show, and include it on their “Top Picks!” Thanks to Ray & August!
I’ve been seeing a lot of George (The Junkyard Opossum) lately. He seems to like to hang out on a wall in our backyard near the BBQ. Needless to say, my wife refuses to go out there at night, and H insists that I take a camera with me every time I take out the trash.
Tallu is addicted to Wallace & Gromit.
Thanks to Cush for the title of this post.
Good lord! You may have caught possum flu!
Y’all should get a dog. That’ll scare George off.