#58: Around The Bend

Thank you, Business Week, for making us a
“Podcast Pick.”

Catching up, we discuss the Podcast Expo, driving in the pitch black darkness and Melissa shopping at Verve.

Thank you, Evo! Great plug in the book, sorry about the signing…

Recording this time from the mobile studio here in Wappinger’s Falls, New York, using my new Samson C01U USB Studio Mic.

Drop me a line if you can help with a WordPress install (or two).

Music was Come Alive by LEMON. Awesome.

The Bitterness Will Not Be Televised is from the upcoming CD, The Bitterest Pill Vol. One

8 thoughts on “#58: Around The Bend

  1. Hey, Dan! Great show!

    My family and I were driving one night across Kansas, when it was VERY overcast and dark. You could see a city coming up because of a orange glow on the cloud cover above it. It was so scary. You felt like you were underground, driving along inside the “real world” from the Matrix. Bladerunner’s a better simile, though.
    That promo is one of the funniest things the Pill has put out yet!

    Keep up the great work (if you call it that),

    Joey Donovan

  2. More connections – I went to grade school in Wappingers Falls (Oak Grove Elementary to be exact.)

    Don’t tell me that’s where you’re from, Dan – did we sit next to each other in kindergarten?

  3. Hey Dan,

    Listening to #58 right now, just wanted to say i’d be happy to help with wordpress install. you can reach me at adeh at desandies.com.

    good luck, and thanks for the show!

  4. hey dan, good to know you worship me as much as i worship you.

    p.s.: i can’t believe i even have to type in my blogger stuff for this. ANONYMOUS OPTION PEOPLE!!!


  5. hey dan, good to know you worship me as much as i worship you.

    p.s.: i can’t believe i even have to type in my blogger stuff for this. ANONYMOUS OPTION PEOPLE!!!


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