#61: Of Mice and Evil Santas

Why does this happen, why does it happen to us, and why does it happen to us at Christmas time?

There are mice in the garage and my wife and I would rather have “snappers” than glue. Now that’s true love.

Is it okay to call someone “Black” or “Asian?” I hope so, because I don’t mean anything by it. I do, however, hate Evil Santa. And, where are people getting all this cash?

The CD is out and available for $10 (includes shipping) until January 1st.

Wanna win a PED 2? Just click the PED2 above, and go down to the bottom of the page you get to. Send me an e-mail at pill@danklass.com with the Contest Code in the subject line. Hudson and I will draw a random winner in two weeks. Good luck!

Special thanks to Tim Coyne of The Hollywood Podcast and Norm Augustinus for helping me get through my Chrsitmas shopping.

Auld Lang Syne by Friction Bailey

8 thoughts on “#61: Of Mice and Evil Santas

  1. I can imagine the commercial now…

    SNAP ON!




    (Someone should really trademark that name for the old-fashioned metal/wood mousetraps.)

  2. Great show as usual! Sounds like the LA wildlife loves the Klass house: George the Junkyard Opposum and the mice in the garage……whooo!

    I just wanted to complement you on the Podcast Solutions book. I got a copy for Christmas, and have found myself stuck to it. It’s totally awesome and extremely invaluable for a new podcaster. Thanks sooo much!

    Happy 2006!

  3. A nice show with a couple of stories this time. Musical transitions? Are you competing with NPR? They’d better watch out.

    Sounds like everybody had a good holiday – once the fridge got sorted – and I hope that New Year’s Eve was no different. Thanks for all the shows so far… now keep ’em coming, because I’m hoping past performance is indicative of future activity.

  4. We used to have bugs in the basement, the little rolly up ones, about an inch or two long. At first we’d pick them up on paper and put them outside. But they kept coming and coming and coming. So we went ther vacuum route and started the bug jihad. Luckily we have no mice here. I think the cat would pounce them anyway.

    I still need to get the book and CD. 🙁

  5. You’re cool on the Asian front. As my lovely ex-whore-wife used to say, “Rugs are oriental, people are Asian.”

    I think black princesses prefer “ebony goddess” these days.

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