#62: Jump the Jag

My girls are home, and it’s time to do a show.

This time I discuss the Los Angeles air/smog ratios, The Daily Mouse Update, burnt umber, the fire trucks across the street and Jumping the Jag. Yes, I am still a member of the high school drama club, jealous of the jocks and their ability to bond over team colors. Oh, well. I went to prom with a cheerleader…

Cameos by Hudson, Tallu and MELISSA!

I’m still switching over to the new computer and adding in some equipment I’ve owned for months, I hope the sound doesn’t suffer. I need a studio. Or, at least an engineer. I’d settle for an intern.

Musical guest: The Mydols with “Perfect Married Man”

Burp sounds by Hudson.

Next time: The return of Hudson’s Movie Review!

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5 thoughts on “#62: Jump the Jag

  1. This was great. I think most of us have met guys like the jag-off, or grown up with guys like that… and lived to tell the story. I always used to say, “One day my therapist and I will look back on this and laaaaauuuuugh and laugh and laugh…”

    I’m assuming by athletic supporters you meant fans… not jock straps.. or maybe you did.

  2. This episode was really funny. I laughed so hard when you called the University of Texas, “Texas A&M” (which is their rival school and something only someone who has lived in Texas for awhile would understand).

    I’m personaly a huge fan of sports and follow quite a few of teams. I don’t wear jerseys or go out half naked to games to show my support, but it’s fun to watch anyway 😛


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