#63: ENTER: The Wife

Introducing the woman that makes it all possible: my wife…Melissa Webber

We talk about projectile rodents, couples watching porn, corporate day car centers and our need to know “Are we the only ones who don’t (fill in the blank)?”

There is still time to enter to win the PED2 from our friends at Thought Out. Just click the PED2 above, and go down to the bottom of the page you get to. Send me an e-mail at pill@danklass.com with the Contest Code in the subject line. The deadline for entries is Friday, January 13th. Hudson and I will draw a random winner in two weeks. Good luck!

Thanks to Shawn for pointing me towards the Martin Agency website that features the long version (in sync) of the CSI Promo featured in this month’s Communication Arts magazine.

Hudson recommends: Madagascar!

23 thoughts on “#63: ENTER: The Wife

  1. I’m so glad i got to see your CSI promo at last! That’s great…feel so sorry for the ‘dead guy’ though. (Haven’t listened to the podcast yet, that’s next!) xx

  2. How awesome that you were able to find a great voice-over actress with which you have such a great rapport :p

    I’d guess that Melissa took less editing than Hudson. There is some kind of skip about 26:30 or so… when you guys talk about how there may be three kids in the next room with IVs.

    One last comment. Dan. The kids are gone. You’re home with no kids. Take your wife out for dinner. Go for a nice, romantic walk. Get her some yoghurt. I love the show, but if you’re letting us, your audience, interfere with quiet time with the frau… dude… kick us to the curb… until you do your next show.

  3. Hey Dan,

    Don’t usually take the time to leave comments on the podcasts i listen to but I had to tell you that I think you are on to something with the wife on the show. I know we don’t need another Husb/Wife or BF/GF podcast out there but the chemistry between you guys made for a great show.

    You gotta have her on at least once a month or so.

    And I have to say…she has a very sexy voice!

    Dan, East Coast

  4. , like the Dan who commented before me, don’t comment much but listen all the time. Love the podcast of course, and love everything that’s gone on before, but man—this was it. The Pill has arrived. It’s like everything was building up to “The Pill with Dan and Melissa”.

    On a recent trip with my wife we were listening to podcasts in the car. She doesn’t listen to podcasts regularly like I do so this was a bit of a novelty for her, discovering what this podcast thing that I go on all the time was about.

    And when the Pill came on she commented that she couldn’t figure out why you were pausing all the time between thoughts. I explained that it was just an endearing style thing that you do. But after this episode now we know the truth—-those were the places where Melissa talks!

    So you have to get her on more. A lot more. You guys are the podcasting Grace and Kelly. And the thing is that it wouldn’t just make it another Husband and Wife podcast—the Pill would take it’s place as the First Family of Podcasting.

    Oh it just keeps getting better. Thanks for this episode guys, it was awesome.

  5. Great show. Came across as very real, even if you were both working to “mach shau.” It’s been said before: what makes great radio/audio? Intimacy. Listening to it, I felt like I was sitting right next to you guys.

    On an another topic, I finally saw the “Snickers Toupee” commercial. The guy in there didn’t really leave much of an impression with me.

    Dan, you would have been very good in that commercial, no doubt, but seriously, do you want to be known as the “Snickers Toupee” guy? I didn’t think so.

  6. Great work Dan! Nice hearing your (as she sounds anyway) lovely wife on the show finally. By the way… one of us up here in Scandinavia isn’t actually an inmate. Just wanted you to know. So I guess we’re 13 as a total then…

  7. Hey Dan. Usually when someone invites their wife/girlfriend on for a guest appearance on their show, I brace myself for 30 minutes of torture. So when you first mentioned the idea I was wary. But wow, Melissa fit in seamlessly. She’s a natural. Way to save the big guns for episode 63. Very, very cool.

  8. gee… and i thought Hudson sounded like you… but you can hear a lot of your wife in him!
    (I mean this is a great way!)

    She sounds wonderful. What a beautiful couple you must be!

  9. Like a few others have already posted, I’m a relatively long-time listener, first-time poster, and I have to say I *really* enjoyed this episode. The on-air chemistry between the two of you was fantastic.

  10. [note: sorry about having to remove multiple posts above!]

    I downloaded the CSI promo and made it available on my website so fans can easily download without having to decipher the original site’s source code. No, I’m not a hacker or anything. If you know HTML coding, it’s easy enough to figure out how to download these types of files. I don’t think I’ve broken any laws doing this, but if anyone knows differently, please let me know! 🙂

    You can download the file here: slinky [3.45mb]. I would suggest doing a ‘save as’ on the link so you can actually save the SWF file to your computer for future offline viewing.

    To play the movie offline, you can download a SWF player, or with Windows you can simply play the file using Internet Explorer. While I haven’t driven a Macintosh as my main rig in years, I’d imagine it’s much the same under OS X.

    Still, if you want a stand-alone SWF player, Windows users can try the Swiff Player, which works nice for me. I can’t really recommend a Mac SWF player, but give http://www.swftools.com a look for options.

    Unless someone suggests otherwise (i.e., Dan, lawyers, etc), I’ll keep this file online for a few weeks to make it easy for fans to download and view.

    Hope this helps!

  11. WOW! Melissa os awesome! You two need to get on the mic more often! Loved the show! (Maybe this is a whole new podcast altogether? (As if you didn’t have enough to do as it is…)

  12. I just listened to “#63 ENTER: The Wife”, and I must say to you, Dan:
    Why did it take you so long to bring Melissa on the show? She’s so talented.
    And to you Melissa: You’re natual, funny and has a great voice. I’m sure you think there’s nothing to it. You were just being your self.
    You should be on radio. I work in radio in Denmark, and I would hire you on the spot – if only we did broadcasting in English.
    I could say the same to Dan, but I won’t. He hears stuff like that all the time.
    So this one is only to you, Melissa: YOU ROCK!
    Hope you will be on regulary. I’ve listened to 50+ of the 63 shows and this one was the best.

  13. Melissa sounds witty and warm and fun. Your banter had me giggling on the bus. You have such a great family, Dan. Thanks for sharing them with the rest of us.

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