“Podcast Solutions” shipping to Apple Stores

Yes, it’s true! Podcast Solutions is currently being shipped out to Apple‘s top 50 Apple Stores! We’ll be on the shelf right next to Bart Farkas!

Thanks to Apress/Frieinds of ED, Michael “Matterhorn” Geoghegan, Lance Anderson, JB Benson of the Apple Store at the Grove, and anyone else who had anything to do with getting that baby into the motherships.

Podcast Solutions will soon also be available as an e-book! Stay tuned.

4 thoughts on ““Podcast Solutions” shipping to Apple Stores

  1. Dan, congrats! I really enjoy the show. (I emailed Lance a while back, and he suggested your book, and in a few days I was up and running with a new podcast.) Thanks for the book.

    (As for the coffee pot…how about the curling iron? My otherwise totally safety-minded wife thinks nothing of leaving her piping hot curling iron sitting precariously on the edge of the sink, clearly available to the outstreatched hands of our two year old. Psycho!)

  2. Pingback: Suzi's Opinions

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