Update, Shmupdate

Yes, another week and still no show. Things have been strange around here. Melissa sort of got promoted at work, which was covered in an AdWeek article. She’s the creative boss of her agency now and they’re working on a bunch of new stuff for BMW. This all means I won’t be seeing much of her until early April when we go to Hawaii to a big BMW something-or-other. I don’t fully understand, except that I will be going on a vacation I don’t really want but need desperately. Yes, podcasts from The Four Seasons! Don’t tell the management…

The Lance Anderson Podcast Experiment was today and was great. Very strange to perform live in front of a large audience while sitting in your livingroom. This is a picture of the set-up I used for my big trans-world “broadcast.” Ain’t computers neat? (I never did pimp the book)

Hudson and I will be “appearing” in an upcoming episode of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd entitled “Smile & Sing.” Look for it within a couple of weeks.

That’s too much for now. Hopefully the kids and I will do a show over the weekend. I just need to find a clamp I lost when we moved everything out of the “studio” to paint…

38 thoughts on “Update, Shmupdate

  1. Dan:

    First things first: please pass along my congrats to Melissa.

    It was hilarious in the AdWeek article to see BMW referenced as “the Woodcliff Lake, N.J. based automaker.”

    That’s my hometown, which few people have ever heard of. Although there are a few corporate campuses in the area, (Sony’s corporate HQ is about 100 yards from my childhood home) this was total suburbia and my town had about 5,000 residents. We didn’t even have our own high school, I had to go to the next town over. The biggest news back in the day was when Dick Nixon moved in up the road. Anyway, enough about l’il ole me.

  2. OK, now you’re flaunting your beautiful wife and her wonderful job. You’re going to start losing our sympathy if this braggadocio continues. 😉

  3. Thanks for the pic Dan. It made me laugh alot! I’d also like to thank you publicly for your input into the LAPE. It really wouldn’t have been the same without you. Hopefully I can get the audio up as a podcast this weekend (I have another show this week and am working 18 hour days!) and please reming everyone that the DVD of the show will be available for purchase as soon as I can sit down long enough to edit the footage.

    That’s all for now


  4. As an audience member at the LAPE, I would have to say it was a great experience and a very enjoyable evening. It was great “seeing” you there, Dan (you were on good form!) and thanks Nigel for the party afterwards!!

    Gail -x-

  5. As an audience member at the LAPE, I would have to say it was a great experience and a very enjoyable evening!! It was great “seeing” you there, Dan and thanks for the party afterwards Nigel.

    Gail -x-

    P.S Lovin’ the show dK!!

  6. Dan –

    Congrats to Melissa! Here’s hoping that d*ng account *never* goes “into review” (this ole ad-grrl knows the code for “we’re getting another agency and you’ll have to fire half your staff”)!

    As far as Hawaii is concerned, I’ve been there on the “tropical business trip” – it’s a bittersweet pill.

    ~ hb33 ~

  7. We got to go to Disney in FLA for a few days before I had to work a conference for a former employer. It was good to get away, but I didn’t enjoy it much – I was so busy working that I didn’t get to spend much time with the wife or kids, and she didn’t seem to get that I was there because of work, so I was sort of theirs 24/7. It shouldn’t be that way, but if she and the kids weren’t there, I would probably have holed up in the room and watched movies when I wasn’t forced to be with the whole sales team (don’t get me started on them…. 😉

    On the plus side, when I went down to Miami to do support for a BMW sales conference in January, 2002, it was along the lines of no expense being spared. It was a good time, despite ending up in the Miami airport for 9+ hours due to snow in Atlanta the day before. Crazy!

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