The Hudson Show ’06!

Hudson takes over the mic to celebrate his 7th birthday and random thinking. We talk about getting excited about other people’s birthdays, SharkBoy & Lava Girl, Tarzan II and much, much less. Click the hand to listen!

Hudson recommends:

Thanks to Craig Patchett and everyone from The Radio Adventures of Doctor Floyd. Apologies to Baxter.

The next Pill coming soon, with in-studio guest Evo Terra!

6 thoughts on “The Hudson Show ’06!

  1. The new math:

    7 year old humor + Dad in the background trying to maintain control = large quantities of loud laughing.

    I’m looking forward to 03/17/2007!

    Hope you got more presents, Hudson!

  2. Hudson,
    You rock, dude. I appreciate how you are carrying your dad on the Hudson Show. I mean, he messes up a lot and you just keep the podcast going!


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