#71: Self Flatulation

“My greatest hope and my biggest fear are one in the same, and that is that I let Gordy down…”

Melissa has been busy working and working and working, so I am really on the edge. Of what, I have no idea…

I complain about doing “pinks,” negative reviews kicking me in the nuts, and the fact that I am too paranoid about my kids to make it to movie premieres.

Check out the website and trailer for Gordy Hoffman’s A Coat of Snow.

The song this time:The Least That You Could Do by Joel Parisien. Check this guy out!

14 thoughts on “#71: Self Flatulation

  1. OK, put down the “pinks” and back away slowly and no body will get hurt…

    It does get easier. It will get easier. When our kids were around 7 and 9 they could reach the knobs on the laundry machine as well as we could and they started doing their own laundry. They are 16 and almost 18 now and they really don’t mind it. At least, they don’t mind it any more than we do.

    It takes longer until they get to the point where they drive themselves of course, and that comes it its own set of worries.

    Don’t worry about the bad reviews. I understand why people like it when you tell stories, you do it well. But do the show you want. Most of use will still listen 🙂

    Chris Christensen
    Amateur Traveler podcast

  2. fyi

    There is no bad review for your show in the swedish itunes store, so your ok there…
    hmm and no good ones either… I wonder what that means?


    Stay Warm

  3. Was every episode of MASH the best one ever? No, of course not.

    There are bound to be shows that don’t deliver what is expected, but who’s fault is that – yours Dan, or ours? You make the best point of all when you remind us that this is free entertainment, and that we as listeners are not bothered by advertisements (who else is sick of hearing about ‘Big Love’?) You do have a life outside of this podcast, no matter how cathartic it may be.

    Keep up the great work, Dan. There are more people out here who do appreciate what you are doing than you probably know.

    JD Lewis
    Future Podcaster 😉

    PS – No reviews in the Canadian store – I’m off to remedy that…

  4. Oh Dan, I’m sending a virtual hug. The tension is coming through the mike, loud and clear.

    Re: laundy
    Put a few red items into each load. Soon everything will be pinks.

    Re: Gordy
    So you couldn’t make the premier. I’ve bailed on my friends when the kids were sick, spouse couldn’t watch them, etc., and they are still my friends. Friends understand, especially old friends. You’ve made up for it with some excellent FREE publicity, at least. I went to the website and now I’m wondering how I’m going to get to see Coat of Snow here in East Nowhere, USA. I can always hope for IFC to show it.

    Re: The rotten tomato on iTunes
    Wow, I’ve posted reviews for Cush:TIS and Verge of the Fringe, but didn’t think I needed to put one out for TBP. After all, TBP is in the first page of the Comedy section’s Featured Podcasts. “What does Dan need my review for?” I thought, “he’s doing fine without me”. I promise to write a nice one soon, with many stars, to counter it.

    re: Stress
    Repeat the mantra, “I’m going to Hawaii”, ad naseaum.

  5. Oh, and JD, I actually liked Bob’s ads for Big Love in The Catfish Show; Although that French accent was a little hard to understand…

    Ok, I’ll stop posting now.

  6. Hey, that bad review got one thing right – you are a master storyteller. I really think that you have a gift, much moreso than some of the others out there who label themselves storytellers. Your ability to build suspense over the simplest things is a real talent, and one I’m glad you share with us.

    Some of your guests are brilliant and some don’t interest me as much, but that doesn’t stop me from downloading and listening. I’m personally looking forward to the first Talu (spelling?) podcast – I imagine someone with the charisma of Hudson and the grace of your wife…

  7. Hey Dan, Nice to hear Joel on the podcast….Keep it up, I hear his new version of We Are Forgiven is totally off the chain. You should hear him with Chops Horns!

    Nice stuff dude.


  8. Dan,
    just keep in mind “the kids grow out of it”
    “the kids grow out of it”
    “the kids grow out of it”

    I used to work all day then come home and my wife would leave for her job from 6-11 so I was on this treadmill seven days week. try to have an exciting sex life that way, your lucky to get a poke in every now and then. but as time goes by my daughter is now 13 they grow up. and you no longer have to wipe someone elses ass. I love my kids but have been this close to throwing them out the window. good thing they are as cute as shit, you just can’t do it. anyway hang in there love the podcast listen to every one!!!!

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