Things you find on your server…

In my pre-podcasting life, I used to goof around with Flash animation. Here are a couple things I found on the servers today while not working on my taxes…

How To Clean Up American – a demo I put together to pitch a cartoon to a big dot-com back in 2000. They bit, and then bit the dust. It originally had a different head on it (the “Kurt Anchorman” head, instead of the “Cult of Dan” head. Did you know that is what it’s called?).

Live/Die – silliness while learning Flash.

Al Most Demo – part of a game I was working on with some gaming geniuses based on an old character of mine called Al Most. He is a intergalactic exterminator. Long story. We never got further than this. Life called.

6 thoughts on “Things you find on your server…

  1. Hilarious.

    One Peeve: Did that Cult of Dan joke really merit a laugh from the audience, or was that a laughtrack added later? For some reason, (and no offense), but that joke really didn’t ring as a hilarious puncher. Maybe I didn’t know the context, but I don’t know how anybody could laugh-out-loud at that.

    The live/die one reminded me of Happy Tree Friends.

    The game is addictive.

  2. Re: the Cult thing…I guess you had to be there. Within the context of the act, that was always a big hit. The laughs are real. But, keep in mind, those were different times and I was a different guy…

    I love the Al Most thing too. Too bad we never moved past that stage. Would love to be able to shoot a couple intergalactic cockroaches.

  3. Wish I HAD been there….you’re probably a genius at stand up. You should play a few clips of your old stand up days on the show once and a while. I have a sound file with the “bleep” noise if you would like to use it.

    If Al Most put on a pair of vinyl pants, you’d have a great Mick Jagger action figure.

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