The Other Dan Klass podcast?


“I drive a 14 year-old boy and a 13 year-old girl home from school everyday.”

“Do the parents know that you do this?”

The Bitterest Pill is in a state of metamorphosis. It is slowly changing, splitting into two shows. One, The Bitterest Pill, where I tell my usual sad tales of loneliness and desperation amid the insanity of Los Angeles. The other, where I hang out with someone else and talk about loneliness and desperation…

This is one of those transitional shows, tentatively called “The Other Dan Klass Podcast.” I got a chance to hang out with my friend Tim Coyne from The Hollywood Podcast, and talk all sorts of…crap about Hollywood, bionic women, Luke Wilson, pilates mats, David Banner v. Bruce Banner, you name it.

Recorded live from the LA Podcasters Studio 101 at the Brewery in Los Angeles during the annual Brewery Spring ArtWalk.

18 thoughts on “The Other Dan Klass podcast?

  1. Dan,

    Great addition to the Dan Klass Podcasting Empire…. Loved the show, can’t wait for the next one…..


  2. Dan,

    I love the Bitterest Pill. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I look forward to more.

    Oh, and the word you were searching for is “mitosis” (cell splitting).

  3. Dan,

    I thought it was a great show, loved the interaction between you and your guest.

    Looking forward to the next one.


  4. Dan,

    Rock on. I love the dynamic that you have in your interviews. You don’t become a different Dan, you just become a more active… exuberant… alive… interactive… Oh, I don’t know what the heck adjective I’m searching for… you’re just MORE of the Dan we’ve all come to know and love from the Bitterest Pill.

    I think that your interview style works really well. After hearing you talk with Evo, and now with Tim Coyne, I have to say that it sounds good.

    Whatever equipment you’re using is good as well. The audio hiccup we get from the “under the flight path” studio was missing.


  5. Dan,

    Now this is the Dan I have been waiting for! For the longest time I have been on the verge of bailing on the Bitterest Pill, the engaging vrs boring ratio has skirted right along the edge. I always had a sense that Dan had something special but that something was holding him back. I now realize it was this “Family Friendly” governor. Screw that! I much prefer the fully engaged adult conversation of this other podcast. Dan, you sound so much more alive. Splitting the podcast into two is a good idea. Personally I much prefer this new format. PLEASE keep it up.

  6. The addition of the other guy and the give and take between Dan and him was pretty good. Could make a good regular team. I’d definitely subscribe. I mean subscribe in iTunes, I didn’t mean I’d pay a subscription. Twice weekly? That’s what the iTunes description says. More like twice monthly.

  7. these god dammed podcasts just keep getting god dammed better dan.

    keep up the good god dammed work!

  8. Yo, ,, slice, er home slice ‘think you struck some kind of nerve with the other DK podcast. Was it the audience or was it the guest? maybe the Moon , whatever it was got to say it was engagingly groovy.

  9. Thank goodness, a podcast NOT endorsed nor sanctioned by some right-way Baptist podcaster pontificating about the REAL meaning of taking the Lord’s name in vain. (Hey people, just coz Adam Curry allows lengthy, preachy, innacurate audio comments to partially dictate the content of the DSC doesn’t mean we all need to. ) Podcasting has never been about pandering to any lowest common denominator, so it’s good to see the podcast pioneer himself (according to the Christian Science Monitor) being himself AND entertaining to those of us over the age of 11 and not having to apologise for it. More power to your mixer.

  10. I am newcomer into your podcast and I just wanted to let you know I truly enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.

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