#77: Tiradeus Interruptus (Part One)

The jocks at your school are not better than you. They’re just more committed to playing with their balls.

I only get about half way through this one before my window of oppurtunity slams shut.

We talk about the neighborhood looking up, financing public schools, people who climax over money and three hundred thousand dollars worth of fake grass.

You know, people that make more money than you do aren’t better than you. They just have more money. Well, more money and more things. And a better car. And health insurance…

Also, we begin to reveal my complete obsession with girls/females/women, and the significant blondes in my life.

Thanks to Lisa from Viva Podcast and Paul Fischer from ADD Podcast and Balticon Podcast.

14 thoughts on “#77: Tiradeus Interruptus (Part One)

  1. Short and sweet– I loved hearing you and your daughter talk together.
    Who needs the Matrix?! We’ve got the Bitterest Pill!

  2. Dan:

    I wish you were on each and every day. And the ending to today’s show was perfect–combing both the desire for women and the real life situation of your home. Did you plan it this way?

    Lots of Silicon Valley types have children at my kids’ school and these parents often emerge from their Volvos wearing corporate fleece. I think you need to have white shirts or fleece sweatshirts made up with The Bitterest Pill name and logo. All would be impressed. Maybe a little Bitterest Pill totebag would be nice too–it would seem like a giveaway at some Pharmaceutical company picnic.

    Finally, when historians come to write about the great cultural change that occurred when men started to stay home with their kids, your podcast will be a primary and crucial record of this important part of American history.



  3. Here’s another brick for your sucking vortex of neediness. Loved the show. And thanks for adding in the wakeup call (from Paul?) That was priceless.

    We want more Tallu, too! What a sweetie pie!


  4. Woh, Tallu just broke the barrier of cute. We are going to need to redefine that one now.
    If you think LA is bad, come on over to Orange County. I used to call it growing up in Disneyland.
    My wife used to work at a preschool in the Silicon Valley. She spent more time on a daily basis with those kids than their parents. Some of them, drop off at 7am, pickup at 6:30pm. When I was a stay at home dad in the Valley, it was me, Virginia and a bunch of Hispanic nannys at the park. What fun.

  5. Aww, Tallu is really cute!

    I started listening around show #61, give or take, and I’ve become an addict! I agree with Henry; I could listen to you every day!

    I live in southwestern Ohio, and out here the snotty family type isn’t TOO prevalent, depending on where one lives. You see them, though, congregating outside of Starbucks as if it’s some kind of church for the hollow.

    Can’t wait ’till next time!

  6. Hey Dan, I just finished listening to the show. I enjoyed your diatribe about people who define themselves by how much money they make. You should read some George Saunders. he’s a short story writer. Here’s a link to his story “Sea oak.” http://www.barcelonareview.com/20/e_gs.htm
    He writes a lot about the moral decline of American culture. He’s a cynic to say the least. Can’t wait for part 2!

  7. Sounds like to me you are a late bloomer, my first crush was Kindergarden (her name was Beth).

    I was popular in Jr High. OK, well, that’s not true. I was a geek in Jr High but it was the height of my popularity because I was taller than the girls. I was not an athlete at any time, I am the guy the team captains picked last.

    But I live in Silicon Valley, so where I live it is not the athlete from Jr High who is successful but that geek from math class.

  8. Dan, I’ve listened to every single show of yours since the start and I have to say these last few episodes have easily been some of your funniest and most heartfelt shows. I also have to agree with the caller who said your family needs to move somewhere where there is halfway “normal” people. I think you’re getting a little too tired of the ol’ L.A……..anyway thanks for the shows, I have enjoyed every minute of listening to you.

    P.S. I would really like to see you post more photos on your Flickr account.

  9. Let me add my pledge that I too would listen to you every day if you were available. I discovered your pod casts last week and am now addicted (quicker than crack!). I’m selfishly glad you aren’t a full-time actor or stand-up. You are being listened to in Rhode Island — to and from work.

    Don’t worry about success, keep up the pod casts — you are so good that something amazing is bound to grow from this (plus, you sound like a wonderful and loving father — kudos to you).

    The high point of the “Tiradeus Interruptus (Part One)” show was the sound of your daughter coming in the door and greeting you. Did you hear it? Listen to it again. Her expression of joy upon finding you at home was simply the most endearing, warm, and loving sound I have heard in a long time. You are a blessed man. Revel in your children’s love.

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