“Volume One” available thru iTunes

The Bitterest Pill Volume One: Under The Flight Path has finally hit iTunes Music Store and other digital download sites. Now my former favorites from the first year of The Pill are available around the world, without involving the U.S. Postal Service.

There are still a few CDs left, but very few, so if you want one, order one now.

Will there be a Volume Two? You tell me.

8 thoughts on ““Volume One” available thru iTunes

  1. Putting the Pill in iTunes is a great idea, but I can’t access it from New Zealand, so I hope you do make another CD. I ordered Vol One a while ago but am still waiting for it…I guess it’s because I live at the ends of the earth. Maybe I should move.

  2. Volume 2 will be welcomed.

    My only nitpicky request for Vol 2 is more “space” or dead air between tracks. The way the current cd plays, there is no pause between segments. I don’t know why it bothered me, but it did. The content was fine.

    oh and distribute a month before Dec 25th, next time 🙂 It got cut too close last year.

    I better stop now. I’ll go put a review of the CD on iTunes.

  3. I think Tom Wolfe said, “A good writer is always selling somebody out.” Yes, you’re a good writer. You should consider just talking into the mike and then transcribing that into a book, but don’t tell anyone so that critics could praise it for being “conversational” and feel insightful.

    I have two kids too. Wife and I navigate with similar California culture up north you got there down south. I love your show. The sardonic observations . Do people think too much? On the one hand you must take into account family feelings, on the other they must take into account yours. You are succeeding, that’s good, people know you are not mean-spirited, right? … I don’t know, you really are in a corner. Can you tell your loved ones that it’s all show business? You exagerate.. part of the act? Can you change your show to “The Happiest Sunny Sunshine Person Up Up Up with People Show?” I got it. Present a list of stories to wife before air. A big list. Ya, you lost spontaneity, but still. I’ll miss it, man

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