New Show? Thurs. or Friday (I hope)

With Hudson home for summer vacation the last week or two, finding time to do the show has been interesting. Luckily, I did find time to be on a couple (three?) editions of The Rules, and will be on the upcoming (Wed.) edition of Rob Walsh’s Podcast 411. Or, the upcoming two editions. We’ll see. I must talk alot…

Book Cover

Special thanks to Rob and Mur Lafferty for including me in their book, Tricks of the Podcasting Masters. It is a great book to read after finishing Podcast Solutions

Hey, read a cool poem inspired by The Bitterest Pill.

9 thoughts on “New Show? Thurs. or Friday (I hope)

  1. The Rules rules! Now I have a new show to listen to. Of course the Pill is still my number one, but it is nice to hear voices from down under since I live in New Zealand.

    And my Pill CD arrived in the mail today. Yay!! Now if I could just get the cd drive on my ibook to work…so close, but yet so far…arrrrgh!

  2. Just listened to your interview on Podcast411 (06/28/06).
    Interesting and entertaining. Cool stuff.
    Not into the sports either.
    Ironically though, I love the SSX series on the PS2.
    “Tricks equals boost…boost equals speed!”
    “You’ve got to trick to boost!”

  3. Dan,

    Thanks again for being on The Rules. I’ve just posted the third and final episode. I guess with your school holiday hiatus, it’s been a good way for listeners to keep in touch with you.

    As I type, I can hear Jack (8) firing his laser gun: school holidays here down under, too.

    Episode 3 is here.

    Hope you enjoyed it at least half as much as we did; and that you’ll come on again soon.


  4. the rules isnt bad but i think it has a much underdeveloped format than the pill. it has too much music and the accent of the Jamaican Guys is annoying. I really need my pill dan, it doesnt matter if its just you and hudson talking gibberish infront of the make. Please Dan!!! greetings from Mexico

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