#81: It’s Not You, It’s Me

I need to take a break, or…something. I need to really think about the show, take a moment, and figure out how to do the show I want to do without alienating everyone I know.

How do you tell a woman that you hate what she has on? Does this shirt make me look gay?

55 thoughts on “#81: It’s Not You, It’s Me

  1. Danny —

    First reaction is protest. But as soon as I hear(d) the genuine angst in your voice, I knew my REAL and true reaction is: take the time you need, and do whatever you need to do. I really love this show, and I really care about you, but the second of those two is — by FAR — the most important. Sounds like you’re really struggling, bro, and if this thing isn’t bringing you only positive strokes, then you need to re-group.

    Love you, pal!


  2. Dan,

    Stinks you’ll be taking time off but I truely understand. What you’re going through is exactly (among other things) the reason I still have not told my wife about my show…79 episodes…40 hours of audio…16 months into it… Train wreck waiting, I know.

    I’ll be pounding your feed daily hoping “today’s the day there will be a new Pill out”…so take all the time you need, just not TOO long!

    The Twisted Pickle Show

  3. Danny D. K.,

    It is a tough decision, but good for you to take some time to be sure you’re doing what you love, how you love it. It was necessary for us, too, and was the right decision. All that to say …

    SUCK IT UP AND DO THE SHOW! C’mon, what is this? That Dr. Phil show? Screw your feelings. Turn on the mic and give us funny! We don’t pay you nothing for nothing!
    ( / common listener response)

  4. Do what you have to do, Dan. I would give just about anything to have some time and space that I could call my own. Just when I think I have the place to myself to record something, schedules change and I can’t work. All family members need daily time to call their own. Once upon a time, I would hide in the basement, but my daughter has taken over that space. I’d move to the backyard, but I’m allergic to everything out there.

  5. When my husband doesn’t like what I’m wearing, he is just blunt. “That shirt doesn’t look good with those pants”. Or whatever. I’m p.o.’ed at the time, BUT I do listen, change and remember before putting that particular piece of clothing on again. Brutal honesty is the only way.

    Also, you could hide the offending article of clothing. I did that to my daughter when she insisted on wearing some shirt that she has outgrown, and I just recently did that when I accidently mixed my husband’s shirt with a red t-shirt and turned it pink. (Oops.) Being in charge of the laundry does have this one advantage. You might as well use the power.

    You are pretty goofy when you don’t get enough sleep. It’s kind of funny to listen to. I can relate to being a little incoherent when

    Maybe you should just stick to immediate family when relating any recent stories… Melissa, Hudson, Tallu and maybe River. Anybody outside that circle is probably best kept off limits. Unless it happened a long time ago, like you said.

    Enjoy the summer vacation. WRT the show, follow your heart. And don’t worry about us; we fans will stay subscribed to you. If you are really concerned, get a guest host or two to cover for you. Heck, maybe you could make a contest out of it.

  6. I’m conflicted about your conflicts.

    Part of me says, “Screw everybody else! Who cares? Just talk about everything and family and friends will just have to deal!” Then I remember that I’m 34, my career is going nowhere, I sleep on a pilates mat, I drive a scooter, I don’t own a towel, and my only form of income is babysitting.

    Maybe I’m not the best guy to give advice.

    Either way, I demand that we meet for coffee, regularly, during this “time off” period because . . . well . . . . I just really like you.

    The Hollywood Podcast

  7. Hey Dan,

    As a long time listener, it sounds like you are indeed torn. There is a fine line and hopefully the time you’re taking will allow you to :

    1) Mend any bridges that need mending..
    2) Find out which bridges don’t mind a little crossing…
    3) Relax and enjoy your family and their laundry.
    4) Ignore your wife’s fashion faux pas…it’s not worth the reprocussions of commenting
    5) Energize your batteries and come out roaring when you’re ready to go!

    Hope to catch up with you at PME in Sept…

  8. Tim,

    Cry me a river. We know you’ve got a towel AND a hot chick now. And YOU get to drink coffee with Dan. The rest of us have to wait until September just to slurp hot bean water while listening to TBP.

  9. Dan,

    I feel like I am in that scene in Grease 2 when Michelle Pfeiffer says, β€œJust when I found you I lost you!” I just started to listen to your show and you are taking a hiatus? During your time of ponder, please do not decided to lose your honest banter. You have the same charm that Erma Bombeck had in her oh-so-rememberable writing. That charm is derived from the fact that you use real life experiences, good or bad, to connect with your audience. Refreshing, honest, and witty. Furthermore, you are providing a great service to us women by giving us a male point of view without being too (wink) chauvinistic towards the female gender. In a world flooded with excremental-experimental audiocasts, yours is a Holly Grail among the lot due to your daring to tell the truth, about the truth, and only the truth. Choose wisely Indiana.

    A want-to-be loyal fan,

  10. Everything they said. Art is easy when you’re a twenty-something child, but when you get older and have attachments it becomes a lot harder to yank controversial meaning from your life and share it with the world. Somebody’s bound to get hurt. If you’re lucky, that someone is just you.

    And I say tell her just like you told us – she’ll get what you mean. oh, but did you know that that 80’s silhouette – the skinny leggings with the gigantic bubble-tunic top – is coming *back* into style??? I know, I puked in my mouth a little when I found out, too.

    ok, I just got that both subjects are really about the same thing. You are living genius.

    ~ hb33 ~

  11. Dan —

    I think I understand your dilemma. My blog would be a lot more interesting if I felt able to write about some of the heavier things in my life. I just can bring myself to be that personal. That’s also the main reason I can’t seem to get started with a podcast of my own. And it is one reason why I admire The Bitterest Pill so much. But if it’s messing up your life, I can understand your need to take a break and think things through. I hope you can come up with a workable balance, and if you do, please tell us about it. I could use the advice!

    On the other hand, about the clothes … why say anything at all? She’s you’re wife. It shouldn’t matter if she DOES dress in burlap to go to the park. Unless, of course, she asks for your opinion. In which case, all bets are off, say what you really think.

    Best of luck, Dan. I’ll miss hearing new shows, and hope you’ll be back in gear soon.

  12. Hey Man

    To quote another sage of Los Angeles, Vic “The Brick” Jacobs: “Feeling you!”

    The best stories are the ones we can’t really tell. So then we start to question why are we doing a podcast in the first place.

    I think taking a summer a break and running a few choice reruns is a great idea. I just might follow your lead… again!

    Keep your chin up and do something to make yourself laugh…. Maybe try a good old-fashioned waterballoon fight. Or better yet, do a little Jerry Lewis the next time you are at the mall: “Hey Lady!”



  13. I hosted a drive-time show that I really loved on a local radio station. I needed a break. I took one. Now I’m raring to go again.

    Do what you need to do for you, and then come back so I can shamelessly rip off more ideas from you.

    Jason in Rochester, NY

  14. Hey Dan–

    I completely understand your dilemma. I have struggled with it at times myself. That being said, I think that obviously your family and well-being are far more important than any silly podcast will ever be. I LOVE your show and have never missed an episode. I have noticed the change as of late and I liked it. But then again, I like pretty much everything that you have done.

    It seems like you might be a bit too hard on yourself to “entertain” at all times. People like hearing you talk. It doesn’t always need to be showbiz and glitz and wacky Adam Ant stories. People like you for being you, at least that’s why I listen to your show. There is a crazy connection that we share even though we will probably never meet. Take all the time you need, buddy. I will stay subscribed and look forward to listening the next time a BP shows up. Take care, Dan. I wish you all the best.


  15. Dan-I’m sad to see your show go on hiatus. I’m a new listener and have only been listening for a couple months. But I love your show and will check this site often for your return. Do what you need to do so when you come back you’ll be reinvigorated. Maybe you can talk about the family members that give you the ok to tell stories about them?

  16. Just make stuff up, say anything you are funny. Except the bitching about astroturf and how you hate the rich, that’s not so cool. Just make up your family like Cosby or something, it doesn’t have to be real.

  17. Dan,

    Did you know that popcorn has different nutritional information on the bag for popped and unpopped? Who eats unpopped corn? Though it had more fiber when you eat it unpopped. If you do, will a corn on the cob grow in your belly, and if so, I wouldn’t want to be there when you expunge it. Ouch!

    Just tryin to keep it real (and in perspective),
    Greg & Lisa
    Bitter 4EVAH

  18. Oh no, not you too Lance. You get yourself right up to the microphone right now young man!

    Personally, I loved the Adam Ant story. But I’m sure somewhere Adam is saying “that god damm Dan Klass”. The show will be missed but I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You were one of the first three podcasts I ever listened to and were a big inspiration when I started. So, no pressure dude. Chill out, go to a movie with Hudson and eat so much popcorn you both want to puke. You’ll feel better, and you’ll have a good story.

  19. Hey, stop using my name!

    My wife’s sister’s cousin’s wife’s friend got very mad at me and now I’m sleeping in the garage!

  20. Dan

    I love your podcast and will remain subscribed for however long it takes. Abstinance makes the heart grow fonder or so they say πŸ™‚ So chill, sort things out and then come back not quite such a grumpy old man! But I have to say I like the GOM bit, ‘cos I’m one too. But remember, you are not a loser, you are bringing up your children how you want (without a nanny) which is something that not enough people do these days.

    Best wishes


  21. I’m really going to miss you Dan. You are hilarious for two reasons: 1) you hit the nail on the head with your observations and 2) your deadpan delivery. I so appreciate you talking frankly. It’s what is so special about the show. I totally respect talkers of truth.

    It may not be fun for you at the moment, but I really want you to know that it’s always fun for me.

    Do your thing and then come back to us.

  22. Dan…

    I hope you enjoy your break.
    One quick note: You are the star, not your stories. Heck, you could just read the grocery list or talk about a movie you just saw or share some silly story about third grade.. We just really dig you. You are funny and self-effacing, and yet open and real. You rock. We all love you. Come back soon (really, really soon) and just get on the mic and blab.


  23. Hey Dan,
    Last night right when I got home and finished listening to your show I sat down and wrote you a 45 minutes email. It was one of those great epic and heartfelt, “hey man you don’t know me BUT…”. And then I lost the email. I can’t rewrite that kind of mail, it was pretty difficult to write in the first place. But I wanted you to know how much you mean to me. I haven’t been listening for long but in every show I’ve heard, I feel like you always try to say something real. That’s significant to me. Well to a lot of people I guess. I’m glad you’re taking a break. I really respect you Dan, and your well being, and your relationships are more important than any show, no matter how much I might miss it πŸ™‚ Good luck. I’ll be awaiting your return, but please figure it out, and take your time.

  24. Heyy Dan! I emailed you ages ago, but anywhooters. Kinda dissappointed that I’m not going to have your podcasts for the rest of the summer, but I think I’ll download old episodes and listen to some of my faves to keep the withdrawal symptoms from kicking in. Hope your break does you some good, and you get to spend some quality time with H, Tallu and the Missus πŸ˜‰ Speaking of which, when’s Tallu going to do a show! Okie, getting a little sidetracked, although the track pretty much ends here!
    Hope to see you around =D

  25. dan, dan, dan,

    being a crotchety old man has its price, my friend and I prided our selves on our fussyness, our god given right to complain about everything. shitty service, shallow a holes, modern sculpture, then one day he decided nobody in our office was going to listen to radios, they were “too loud” and he couldn’t take it. I was torn, sure the radios were annoying but all the hot babes liked the radios. I had to choose… sorry but hot babes win everytime… I understand your rage against humanity I feel that way alot, but hot babes don’t dig it. if you are too crotchety you can’t get laid, now is that a price you want to pay??

    hope you come back like the show but bring it down a couple of notches, and don’t piss off the chicks

  26. I dont remember when I found your show, but I do remember it was quite a while ago, maybe thats a good thing, not remembering when something started, its kind of like its always been there. Several of your shows made me laugh, several of them got me thinking, but all of them kept me entertained. Your show is one of the main reasons I decided to dive into this whole podcasting thing, and I can honestly say I had a similar conversation inside of my head for quite a while. For better of worse, I cannot be as open as you have been, and maybe that shows a strength of character in you that I lack. I find it fairly ironic that as my little podcast starts up, yours hits a little bump, and possibly takes a whole new direction. You are at the top of my list of podcasts I find most enjoyable….I dont learn about neet tech news, I dont hear interviews with famous celebs, I just get Dan….talking to me about those little things that make up 99% of what life is. Its not big dramatic moments that shape our lives, its the little things, and that is so much of what you have shared with all of us.

    When I was making the intro to my show, I decided to play off, what I considered three of the ‘top’ podcasts, and for better or worse, you are mentioned in my intro. I felt just mentioning your name somehow made my show just a little more real. I look forward to your return, and as long as your still Dan Klass, Im sure Ill love every minute.

    PS I do not mention my podcast because this is a thank you (or at least I want it to be) not a cheap add or plug

  27. I made a throw-away comment after the last show saying something like family gossip was good but family gossip BAD!! My husband does a podcast and if he mentioned any of our family or friends I would KILL him for fear of them ever hearing.

    Your show will be much missed. And we eagerly wait its return.

  28. I agree with what everyone else has said. On the one hand I am bummed that I won’t have the show to listen to, but on the other, you gotta do what you gotta do. Your family is much more important than anything else! Some old shows would be great, since I only started listening a few months ago. I have the CD but more would be awesome. Or just take a total break and do nothing, I’ll stay subscribed πŸ™‚

  29. Dude… ditto on all the take-a-break-if-you-need-one and I’ll-be-here-before-you-get-back notes.

    Re the wife clothes issue: How do you spell grrrarrghgwar? I can’t remember how many times I’ve been in that situation… my favourite version of the problem is the “Do you like what I’m wearing?” moment. It’s usually combined with “Should I wear (holds up choice 1) or (holds up choice 2)?” The words coming out of my mouth may just as well be a discourse on Aztec governmental structure, which I know a bit about thanks to History According to Bob, because no matter what I say, my wife will look at me and say, “Oh, I don’t know, I think I like (states choice you didn’t make).” Like my taste is the automatic bad one, and by giving me the option she knows what not to wear… or better yet, she retorts, “Oh, I need to see what else I have in there…”

    I’ve finally broken on this question, and ask why my input is necessary, if she chooses the option I didn’t… ok, maybe I am the evil litmus test, but I just snapped one day, and asked “Why the #(&$$ do you even ask?” She wasn’t taken aback – nope – she had some answer about wanting to see what I thought, and just wanting to include me in the process…

    If I’m gonna get my opinion dismissed, why should I get included…

    Man, I’ve got some angst about this one…

    Anyway. That’s my nickel.

  30. Brad from NJ, you have got to play with your wife’s mind a little bit. Next time you are offered a choice, pick outfit A. After she has dressed in outfit B, tell her, “You know, I really liked this outfit better. I just picked the other outfit so you would wear this one.” If she changes again, you can have a field day!

    Yeah, I’m a little evil.

  31. I’ve only been listening since about March, but I’m now addicted to your show!

    I hope you get out of your funk, man! Better to love what you do than drudge through every day.

    I think it has something to do with being a “shut-in”! I’m there with you, and although I love my kids more than life itself, sometimes by the end of the day I’m questioning whether or not it would be reprehensible to sneak a little Benadryl (sp?) into their dinners! πŸ˜‰

    I guess I’ll just have to download some old stuff from iTunes, or work Vol. 1 into the budget! HURRY BACK!

  32. Re: Is DK a Baby boomer?

    I say that whether you are a babyboomer depends less on your age than your parent’s age. I was born in 1962, considered the outer edge of babyboomdom. My husband was born in 1958, much closer to the heart of that demographic group.

    However, I say that I am more a BB than my S/O. My logic: Babyboomers are the children of the GIs returning from WWII. My parents were definitely in that age bracket, young adults in the early forties. They met soon after the war ended and married in ’48. I was the youngest of their brood. My husband’s parents were married in 1957 and more than ten years younger than my parents. They were in grade school during WWII. He’s definitely not the offspring of the WWII crowd.

    My husband says I’m dead wrong on this, but I ignore him, of course.

    So Dan, while you are technically on the tail end of the boomer years (born between 1946-1964), based on the stories you have told us, I believe that your parents were probably not young adults during WWII, but rather in grade school during WWII. So, I agree with you that you are not a baby boomer. The NYT is wrong.

  33. Take a break – the last few shows have been great, but you do sound a bit stressed. Love the show. Brador-funny – i had friends that made that run, and I used to work in Wappingers Falls, Poughkeepsie and (omg) Newburgh in the 80’s at Record World Stores, before they went under. Come back, if not soon, then later. You will be missed. – Wallowing in 80’s music in my own way (have you heard She Wants Revenge?) – Take care and come back when you are ready. – Nelson

  34. From the cousin (who was there when the stories were first produced) I will miss each recollection. For the listeners, listening to him now is a wish come true IF I ever was to say “I wish you knew him when”. Danny is someone to know if you are lucky enough to be invited in, I was born in. The podcast lets the clever in to a place, a great place, tall and hairy….Danny’s mind. Until we hear more Love You Cousin.

  35. Just when I thought I’d found my soul mate! Fine! Go! Don’t worry about me…I’ll be JUST GREAT!

    …I say that with love and respect. Been there. Stepped on my tongue, too. Just don’t ‘podfade’. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long blah blah blah.

    Come back strong, fill our adoring iPods with sweet bitterness soon.

    ~from an aspiring podcaster~

  36. I’ve been here since the start and although it will be tough not to have The Pill for a while, please know how many people love your show and enjoy your work. Thanks Dan, hear you soon!

  37. Hey Dan, Miss you bro. All the love. New World Son is playing a show in Canada here, how about a little Northern Getaway? There’s some great Bed and Breakfasts around here. Greatest beaches around and some great funk/soul. Miss you like crazy man. There is no podcast like The Bitterest Pill, that’s for real. Come back very soon man, for real, it’s lonely without you. My week is not the same!


  38. Hi, Dan. Bummer, your farewell (for now) was the first of your podcasts I’ve heard! However… you need to do what you need to do. πŸ™‚ Sometimes a break is a good thing. I intend to listen to your back shows for now! Take care.

  39. Dan,
    Please come back soon! I really think we should give this another try. I know we both have nagging family troubles, but who doesn’t? What if we really work on improving our communication skills? I can make promise after promise, but I just really miss you and need you back in my life!
    Obsessed, Depressed and Fanatical Listener

  40. Dan: As a newbie podcaster, I can understand how you are ready for a break. But I find it rather creepy that so many podcasts that I have put in my segment “The Future Of Radio” are podfading. So prove me wrong and come back soon.

    I have to tell you that there are only a few podcasts that I have listened to from Episode 1 to present. As a matter of fact, I held a “Pill Forever” on the day you announced your hiatus. I listened to every show, stopping only to recharge the ipod.

    You have been an inspiration, a voice that spoke to the inner me, and I am very depressed. Going away now to buy some clove cigarettes, black clothes and Alkaline Trio CD’s.


  41. A long time fan who wanted to let you know that I love your show and hope you work things out. I have a couple of podcasts and when I need advice I walk across the street and go straight to the Ape House. (I live right next to the National Zoo in Washington D.C.) Those damn monkeys can be quite the listeners. I go over some show ideas and if they either throw their dung around the cage or start to masturbate/copulate I consider that to be a good sign. If they simply look into space and return to eating bugs off each other I know that I have a real dud on my hands.

    Hope that helps!


  42. Hey Dan,

    I started listening to the other podcast (80s music) and then the bitterest pill.

    I understand your concerns about burning down the house. When I got into listening to podcasts a couple of years ago I breifly considered doing one. My girlfriend protested because she knew the best material would come from our house and office.

    Your stories really hit home.

    Melissa seems to have a good sense of humor. Your kids are hilarious. The rest of the family needs to learn take it all with grain of salt.

    Be real, we all say this stuff, just not in front of the hundreds who our privey to our podcast.

    Good luck trying to figure it out.


  43. Dan,

    Just found out. Too bad. Corddry was writing a piece on you for late Aug.

    Maybe next year….

  44. Dan,

    I stopped by today to scope you out re. coming in and screen testing for ‘The Bitterest Pill – the Movie”. I think you had a good chance of landing the part of the shut-in, but as you’ve quit for now we’ve got Jason Alexander lined up. Hey, that’s the way it goes in Hollywood! You snooze (or take a well earned hiatus) you loose, brother!



  45. With a blog, you have the option of “locking” posts about family so not everybody can read…not so with a podcast. I could never tell stories about my family as openly as you do.

    But you have a lot of stories, things that happened way before the kids came along; you’re as old as I am, and so far I haven’t run out of material.

    I love the George saga, the junior high stories and the England stories, and my favorite podcast was you and Melissa and the bugs and throwing stuff out the window at night…surely these do not offend anyone? And they’re great stories, well told. Maybe taking a little different direction is the way to go when you return. A story need not be recent to be worth telling.

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