#82: Death Cab for Cutthroat

I’m back, I think. Well, back and yet in the garage “studio” trying to fit a show in before the refrigerator turns back on. This time we talk about making out our will in Newport Beach, my future wife, waiting in line to see Pirates of the Caribbean and getting shot at in NYC.

I am a finalist in the Storytelling category for this year’s Podcast Peer Awards. If you’re a podcaster and a listener of the show, please consider stopping by there and voting for The Pill.

And, if you’re going to be at the Podcast and Portable Media Expo, please stop by the LA Podcasters booth, sponsored by iPong

THANKS FOR LISTENING! Click the cab to download…

20 thoughts on “#82: Death Cab for Cutthroat

  1. Whooooohooooo! Just when I thought I was getting control of this addiction; A new pill arrives! Glad to have you back Dan! Can’t wait to listen to it (downloading as I’m writing this). Best of luck with the P.P.A nomintation, had I been a podcaster you’d have one more ballot in your box!…

  2. Great short lil’ show! Thanks for returning to the mic.

    “Keira Knightley. Yum yum.” Laughed out loud.

    I think you (Dan) would really like the Ocean’s Eleven & Ocean’s Twelve movies. The characters remind me of you.

  3. I REALLY like Ocean’s Eleven, except for Don Cheadle’s British accent. Maybe I just can’t accept his voice with that accent. Or, maybe it’s the worse one I’ve heard since Dick Van Dyke in “Mary Poppins.”

    I haven’t seen all of “12,” but it seems inferior.

    I have seen all of “Bend it Like Beckham.” Fifty times.

    Yum, yum.

    – dK

  4. Great show, I’m glad to see that the pill is back. I have to completely agree with you about the Pirates of the Carribean incident. I went and saw that movie and there were all these really young kids. I’m pretty sure my parents wouldn’t have taken me to see that movie at that age and I think that’s a good thing.

  5. 30k for school
    show from the Garage
    wife works at home


    (glad your back. love you lots. say hi to family. never go to Newport)

  6. Glad to see the pill is back on the net. I’m burning a CD of both your podcast and Lance’s new podcast as I write this. I can’t wait for my drive to work tomorrow to listen!

    Which one should I listen to first?

  7. Re: the new, young, aspiring model bride
    I’d say there’s a definite gender bias in that joke. Not only your wife and lawyer failed to see the humor, but my wife as well. I was excited at the opportunity to introduce her to The Pill, but, while I was laughing uncontrollably, I looked over at her and saw that I had erred. I’m afraid I didn’t find you a new listener, Dan. Maybe I should have started her with a different episode. But in my opinion: brilliant. I’m thrilled to have you back.

  8. What a happy surprise in my iTunes to see you were back! Great show.

    As for should you call her mom “mom” or “Kathy” (can’t remember her name) – take the cue from her. I work for my father and it totally freaks people out when I call him “Roger” instead of “dad.” Although, that being said, I don’t take it badly if they call him “your father.” It’s not like it is a secret!

    I hope to meet you in California!

  9. I’m so happy you’re back! Tim Coyne and his podcast helped with the wait but the two of you are back with new shows so its all good again. The story about the future wife was fantastic…so funny.

    Thanks for the show, its great to have you back.

    P.S. Have you thought of creating other designs for the shirts etc. Maybe the pill image from the header of the site? I’ll be getting one of the current models but if there was another I would go for it too.

  10. I did a search for sites that might help me not feel so alone in my depression and hopelessness. This one came up so I figured I would comment. You know what they say, the older you get, the less you are invited to weddings, and the more you go to funerals. On that positive note, I invite you to come to my blog, http://lazyfathead.blogspot.com, and join me in my delightful spiral into death depression and nothingness.
    Thanks for your time. Remain happy ?

  11. Congratulations on the award. Glad you are back, Did you realize that you were missed as much as you were. Now is this award going to give you a big head and change your life, maybe expand your audience more??? Sure hope so there are alot of people out there that need you!!

  12. Congratulations on the award. Glad you are back, Did you realize that you were missed as much as you were. Now is this award going to give you a big head and change your life, maybe expand your audience more??? Sure hope so there are alot of people out there that need you!!

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