Video Podcast Pilot

Okay, why is this suddenly not working? Thanks, YouTube. Click here to go to the video’s page on YouTube.

Well, it’s finally here. The pilot for the video version of The Bitterest Pill.

This version screened at the Podcasting & Portable Media Expo last weekend. What an honor, and the response has been great so far.

Here it is, exactly as it screened in Ontario. Enjoy.

Look for a Halloween Special and a Holiday Special before the official series launch in 2007.

Also, if you’re into that sort of thing, check out my new YouTube page.

19 thoughts on “Video Podcast Pilot

  1. Hi Dan,

    I totally enjoyed your premiere screening at the PME….

    I laughed, I cried, I yawned…but mostly…I saw pink.

    I can’t wait for your next projects and for the series in 2007!

    Well done!

  2. Dan, one word…AWESOME!

    I laughed so hard I cried, I cried so hard I laughed, it was kind of a blur.

    Genius, sir, genius.

    Loved it,… oh,… and *lived* it.

    What do you do?…I straighten up. Dang! You said it!

  3. Ok Dan,

    You will have to tape Gene the neighbor. The former drug house. The mommies in the park. Your Disney Vault. Opposum’s former hangout in the backyard….the crazy private school speakers…..

    Can’t wait…..

  4. Me n the Mrs loved it. And the cool thing I was – for her at least – I was able to keep pausing it and saying things like, “ok, the wall behind Dan leads to a doorway which I’m guessing leads to the bedrooms. I think. I’m pretty sure.”, and, “ah, ok [pause video] that hatch where he’s folding laundry, that’s where I took the photo of his studio set up.”

    So yeah, good times.

  5. “If we could just be naked and fast.”

    Oh my god, isn’t that the truth. You can blow off making a bed or vacuuming when pinched for time, but the family gets cranky when they are hungry and naked, and they don’t let you miss one single feeding or dressing!

    I loved the pathos. You do pathos really well.

    Looking forward to more!

  6. Great stuff…

    (I have a 6 year old daughter… my house looks like Barney and
    a Pepto Bismol Bottle got into a rather heated argument …pink, pink,
    purple, pink, purple, purple, pink, pink, pink…)

    Love the cast, love the video, you rock!

    (But, clean out the garage, man!)

  7. Dan:

    Loved the video podcast…but wonder about this particular technological step. I thought you were having concerns about talking about family and friends on the podcast, while this seems to expose them and yourself even more.

    Actually, when I watched this, I was just jealous that your family is lucky enough has someone to stay home and handle this stuff. You should be proud that this is what you do.


  8. Dan:
    Handsome as ever! Great to see your mug again. Too funny! Now if I could just figure out how to get it onto my iPod by the time you start coming out with additional episodes.
    Still lovin’ The B-Pill…keeps me company on my drive to work.

  9. Dan, I’m a longtime listener and a fan. Loved this. Added a whole new dimension to my podcast experience. I’m considering asking for a video iPod for Christmas, should I?

    Anyway, great work. Looking forward to more.

  10. Great show Dan! Really cool format, looking forward to the series.
    My favorite podcast now in a video version? Awesome!

  11. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Loved the stuffed animals all over the bed. Keep it up . . . I mean the series, not the stuffed animals part, that is just inevitable.

  12. Dan,
    I hate to be the only one in this parade with an umbrella, but consider this:
    When you tell a story on the radio, your listeners are left to fill in all the related blanks, just like they do when reading a book. When you provide the video as well as the audio, POOF, there goes all of our fantasies, and we a left with a world that is all to real. and similar to our own. As a photographer for over 35 years now, I ask you to consider going back to what you do so well, storytelling!

  13. Dan, you’re priceless. You are the mouthpiece through which all of us house-husbands and stay-at-home dads can scream. Well done – the move from audio isn’t easy, but you make it look simple!


  14. Dan!

    I finally had the chance to watch the video podcast!!! I’ve been listening, laughing, and loving your show for almost the entire two years you’ve been doing it. I have to say that as a back and forth stay at home dad the video podcast with all the cuts to cleaning and folding made me laugh hysterically! Not at you, but more at me since that has been the life for me for almost three years now! All the PINKS! Tell me about it! Anyways, GREAT JOB and I can’t wait till it’s happening all the time!

  15. I missed this getting shown at PME!!! Now, I feel like a schmuck… THIS IS FRICKIN’ AWESOME!!!

    I can now justify buying a new video iPod with a Universal Connector so I can watch this on the big screen… well, the 31 inch screen… with the internal speakers.

    I’m not into blowing smoke into any lower level orifices… I’m actually WAY impressed with this.

    Smile, man… smile…

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