#84: Over EXPOsure

Dan, Cush, Lance & Tim Coyne

A rambling recap of the Expo. Well, of some of the Expo.

Podcasts mentioned in this show: FrenchMaidTV, JawBone Radio, Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, Manic Mommies, HomeTown Tales, Total Podcatastrophe, DotBoom, Sam Has 7 Friends, Evil Genius Chronicles, DJAJ, CreepyCast

Of course, another THANK YOU to Tim Bourquin of Podcast and Portable Media Expo for screening the Bitterest Pill video.

Updated Flickr page coming soon!

20 thoughts on “#84: Over EXPOsure

  1. Mr. Klass,

    I take issue with your characterization of the Trypod Network. First, we are not the “typhoid network” as you described. Hardly any of us have that dread disease any longer. And second, we’re not a loose band of podcasters parading as a network. It’s been months since we’ve been in a parade of any sort. And I hardly consider myself ‘loose’. I dream of the day that podcasters can set aside their deeply instilled network prejudices and simply get back to the business of the American podcasting public, be they black, white, tenor, baritone or only mildly infectious.



  2. Yo Klass!

    Great show buddy but how dare you mention/thank/congratulate/compliment two different Tims in one show and not include me. You know 3 Tims on this planet and you mention two of them in one show . . . but not me. Do I have to put on sunglasses and a French Maid outfit to get a shout out? Son of a bitch!!!!

    I won’t mention who it was but that image of “you know who” looking into the shower is priceless.

    Congrats on the video pilot. I love it!


  3. I don’t know, Nora, maybe we should cop to “typhoid”.

    OK, see how this sounds.


    Great show Dan. We who shared the booth with you appreciate your roadie skills. But that Lance guy. Man! Hardest workin man in podcasting!

  4. Funny as always, Dan, and you talked about me this time, too. Thanks for the shout out; it’s probably the best review I’ve yet received of the show.


  5. I have some feedback to offer…but I am holding it in reserve.
    Another wonderful show, Dan, thank you (I honestly do not have the words to put here…so I will just say that much for now).

  6. plugger:

    French Maid TV – thumbs up.
    Keith & the Girl – thumbs down.
    Sam Has Seven Friends – 23 thumbs way down. (Vera is hot though. & i guess i am going to have to see who kills her now…)_

  7. Dan,

    It was great meeting you at the Expo, I am the guy who talked about Rochester with you. Listening to you at the live show after Dr Floyd reminded me about what I love about your show. I can’t think why I stopped listening but I AM BACK! I really enjoyed this show, and the video was so good I watched it from the feed as well as seeing it at the keynote, and the live show, so I saw it three times (guess I have a “crush” LOL).

    I listened way back early 2005 when I first got into listening to podcasts, and am a listener AGAIN.

  8. I nearly crashed my car listening to this episode. So funny to get Dan’s perspective on the Expo. Since I do listen to the show religiously, I MUST have a crush on him (although don’t tell his wife – I think she could kick my butt).

  9. Dan, it was a great show… but the end ramble was amazing. As soon as you said “I wish I had something to believe in” I started getting that hallelujah feeling in my belly…. I knew exactly what you were going to say!

    Sweet vidcast as well, will the video show replace the audio? If so, will you have the video show in the same feed?


  10. “I straighten up”

    I have to be honest with you. Something *very* deep inside of me is *driving* me to podcast. What you said in this podcast…I feel it inside too, very deeply indeed. Having the title “Probably the most reserved human being on the planet”…and here I am…podcasting…sharing…freely, *totally* ‘out of character’.
    I have been *preparing* 42 years for this part of my life.
    Has it been that long? Dang! It has.
    Nothing compares to the task of being a stay-at-home-dad.
    It is not the norm, that’s the difficulty. It’s not just the difficulty itself, it’s the stigma. It’s against the tide. It is a daunting undertaking.
    There is a deep sense that raising our own children is vital.
    I can’t leave that to someone else, not for any price.
    Our children are too important to me.
    I cannot put a price on them.
    Material things cannot compete.
    Not even status.

    I want to say this publicly, because it was so meaningful.

    When you looked me in the eye and said…

    “You are only as alone as you think you are…think about that for a minute.”

    If there was one thing I was in Ontario, CA to see/hear/experience, it was that moment. That is only the second time in my life I have had an experience like that. I am not alone any more, and I never will be again.

    Hold your breath for the Stay-At-Home-Dad Flash/Java game…coming to a web site near you, inspired by the debut video (and be prepared to turn blue).

    Dan, neither of us is alone. Not by a long chalk. And you said it.
    I cannot thank you enough.

    Most humbly,

    – Paul Hutchinson

  11. My husband thanks you for the French Maids TV recommendation. He also just told me to “stop slobbering over your boyfriend,” so you can add me to the “crush” list…

  12. Talk about crushes… I was a “guest” on the Catfish Show podcast (September Fan of the Month, woo-hoo!) and somehow we ended up talking about Dan Klass and the Bitterest Pill CD. Good God, Cat and I actually gushed over you.

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