Podcasting Panels on LAPodcasters.com

We are slowly but surely getting all the podcasting panels on-line from the LA Podcasters booth at the Podcasting & Portable Media Expo.

There is some invaluable information and entertainment there, from the hosts/producers of (sorry, no links): FrenchMaidTV, 88Slide, Keith & the Girl, SoccerGirl Inc., Coverville, Verge of the Fringe, The Hollywood Podcast, Hear Me Now Brother, HandWritten Theater, StorySalon, Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, Tres Jefes, Nerd Blurb, Elsie’s Yogo Class, Friends in Tech, Career Oppurtunities and many more. All of it brought to you by LA Podcasters and iProng.

2 thoughts on “Podcasting Panels on LAPodcasters.com

  1. Hi. I’m not a podcaster or anything. Just a loyal listener. Never left a comment before, but felt compelled to this time. I was sitting in my cubical listening to your show. I’m 25 and often feel quite disillusioned with my life…professionally, mentally, emotionally, blah blah blah. While so many of my friends already seem to have their lives figured out, I’m still wondering who the hell I am. I guess I just wanted to say, your show was/is… well, it’s great. Today it made my shady cubical seem somewhat sunnier.

    Thanks for that.

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