#86: All This Useless Beauty

A “show” (isn’t that overstating it a bit?) in two parts:

Part One: Recording from Studio VW in the Mid-Wilshire District (where Melissa’s office used to be), driving home from an audition where I had to play football in a small office. Nice. Ah, the glamour of “Hollywood.” My wife’s new office is the food court at The Westside Pavillion and Panera Bread.

Part Two: Back in Studio G, but with the fridge on. Clearly we need to hurry up and build the studio in the garage. I basically wallow in self pity while wishing I could still see beauty.

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This show’s title comes from the song that inspired some of the content at the end of the show. The original title was “Without Anger I Would Have Nothing.” I thought that was a bit of a downer…

14 thoughts on “#86: All This Useless Beauty

  1. Studio VW & Studio G have their own unique and quaint charms.
    Really enjoyed hearing the update on all things Dan.
    I hear you, as regards wanting something more.
    Keep the fire burning, Dan, whetever it is, it will be within reach.
    The animation and the video are two possibilities.
    Love both of them, and I am inspired by them also.
    Comic strip? We were given some software at the Expo…need to check that out. Makes comic strips for you. Looked really cool.
    Things are always greener…(if you have the hue wrong, that is)…
    Beauty is all around, like you said. We have the constant distractions though, like trying to listen to your favourite piece of music when you suffer from tinitus? Something like that. Not easy, but do-able, with effort.
    By the way, BB and CC are my two favourite stores.
    And I have to cross state borders to get to them!
    Count yourself ‘blessed’, sir.
    Same goes for restaurants.
    We are *just* starting to have a choice here.
    Still ‘praying’ for a Taco Bell, for flip’s sake.
    We *literally* have to make a run for the border to get to one.
    The nearest Panera Bread is 25 miles away!
    It’s all relative, I guess.
    So how much for the book?
    Is it personally autographed?
    First edition?
    Take care, Dan.
    Your brother in ‘Straightening Up’.

  2. Dan:

    This is one of my favorite shows of all time. I like the fact that you are talking about ordinary life. And while I was listening to you telling us to look at the beauty of the landscape, I was out running in San Francisco’s Presidio National Park–and it was very beautiful.


    Henry T

  3. I just wanted to throw in some words of encouragement:
    A senior-citizen friend of mine always says, “If I open my eyes in the morning and see my bottle of Bayer on the nightstand, I’m happy.”

    The show was great, by the way.


  4. Another Ben here. I’ve been listening since episode 1. I can’t believe it’s close to two years. Today I was listening while riding my motor scooter to work along the Auckland waterfront. Beautiful spring day, sun shining, Rangitoto Island sitting like a jewel in the harbour.

    Thanks Dan.

    NOT the worst episode ever. Not by a long shot.

  5. Well, I cant say with any degree of certainty what your worst show ever was. I doubt it was this one, but let me assure you in any case, I find your shows a whole lot like pizza. Some are better than others, sometimes its not exactly what you had wanted, but in the end, the absolute worst it gets is still pretty damn good.

    You give a little part of yourself each and every episode, sure some are funnier than others, and some are more thought provoking , but in the end, you shame most of us podcasters with your ability to talk about yourself with candor and insite few can match….and someday, when I do something as silly as get distracted ebnough by a woman to forget to actually pump the gas….I may work up the courage to consider writting it down somewhere….that could concievably be found within a few millenia of my passing….maybe

    You Rock Dan

  6. Hi. I’m not a podcaster or anything. Just a loyal listener. Never left a comment before, but felt compelled to this time. I was sitting in my cubical listening to your show. I’m 25 and often feel quite disillusioned with my life…professionally, mentally, emotionally, blah blah blah. While so many of my friends already seem to have their lives figured out, I’m still wondering who the hell I am. I guess I just wanted to say, your show was/is… well, it’s great. Today it made my shady cubical seem somewhat sunnier.

    Thanks for that.

  7. Enjoyed your podcast, as I enjoy all of them. It got me through cleaning out the linen closet and prompted me to go to the backyard to watch the beautiful leaves fall from our two liquid amber trees. Beautiful, yes, but what a job to clean up!

  8. You know (or you should know) that I am always weeks behind listening because I am not like the rest of the free world, I never carry or turn on or use in any way the iPod except when I travel, and I haven’t been anywhere very recently. But today I was up and back to Boston on business and listened to 84, 85 & 86 and loved them all, like I always do. There can’t be a “worst”, they are all “the best”. 🙂


  9. Hi. I’m not a podcaster or anything. Just a loyal listener. Never left a comment before, but felt compelled to this time. I was sitting in my cubical listening to your show. I’m 25 and often feel quite disillusioned with my life…professionally, mentally, emotionally, blah blah blah. While so many of my friends already seem to have their lives figured out, I’m still wondering who the hell I am. I guess I just wanted to say, your show was/is… well, it’s great. Today it made my shady cubical seem somewhat sunnier.

    Thanks for that.

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