#87: Inside the Mind

Loyola TheaterBelkin TuneTalk

This time I take you on a time-fractured “sound seeing tour” of Hermosa Beach, CA. Due to the strange way my iPod records, you get an interesting glimpse (audio-wise) into what it’s like to be in my head. All I can say is, lucky for you it’s only for half an hour…

Say No Now with Cigarrest

6 thoughts on “#87: Inside the Mind

  1. With the mobile recorder cutting out like that, it made your show sound like The obtuse angle podcast.

    This may sound like a backhanded compliment or passive aggressive bs, but, I liked this show, with the jumps in it, better than the usual bitterest pill show.

  2. hey dan, good to have you back and regular.

    did you get steven soderbergh to edit this show? was pretty funky tho.

    keep on truckin!

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