#88 Dear God

Yesterday we exhaulted demons and witches, today we discuss God. Well, believing in God, at any rate.

I don’t really care if you do believe or you don’t, as long as you’re not a jerk.

Sign up with TalkShoe.com to join me Saturday, Nov. 4th at midnight Eastern, 9pm Pacific Time, LIVE. You can call in, text chat, or just listen on your computer or cell phone.

Get signed up, log in and then on Saturday just go to this page to connect

The song “Babylon is Gonna Fall” by New World Son is from their album Roots Revolution.

Write son@danklass.com to be eligible to win a copy of Roots Revolution or Spin Cycle, Joel Parisen’s solo CD. Entries must be received by November 25th, 2006.

10 thoughts on “#88 Dear God

  1. I agree with you 100% about 7 yr olds not trick or treating on there own. Thats absolutly insane i live in a fairly small town in Connecticut, at 12 and 13 my children have just as of this year been allowed to go on there own. Not thinking of the people out there who may want to hurt children on purpose kids are nutty especialy around free candy they run across yards and into streets. without some form of parental control there would be alot more injuries. As an aside my 12 yr old opted to go with family friends and their parents rather than go it alone even with the choice. Sorry for the novel

  2. p.s. After a quick perusal of the definitions of ‘show’ at Dictionary.com…I believe it qualifies, Dan, possibly in more ways than one?
    p.p.s. 8 years old? No way. Another vote of affirmation.

  3. And therin lies your gift Dan. One of the aspects of enlightenment is said to be an ability to disengage from polarities. It seems like you’ve accomplished that on at least one level.

  4. You’re 100% right, Dan. I consider myself a Catholic conservative, and for once I’d like to shake an atheist liberal’s hand, but they won’t let me because I’m a Catholic conservative. That’s really sad. Our divided country is something really really REALLY unfortunate. It shouldn’t be this way. (That’s why I just hate election time)

    Keep up the Good Stuff!


  5. “Are you listening for the first time from Utah?”

    I was! It freaked me out when you said that, enough that I briefly wondered if you were actually inside my computer!

    I once had an experience that forced me to conclude that God either didn’t exist or was telling me to be agnostic, so I can totally relate with your experience in the corn.

    Also, I live in a nice sleepy little Utah suburb with a lot of really nice neighbors and no crime that I know of…and I would never let my eight year old go out on Halloween by himself. That guy is crazy.

    Anyway, I was impressed with your show and have subscribed.

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