9 thoughts on “#89: 2nd Anniversary Phone Calls

  1. I am very sorry to report that I just couldnt get into this episode. I think it was the combination of the drastic change in format, combined with audio quality of your average 1982 cell phone.

    Love the show Dan, but this one episode just wasnt it for me…but hey, its just one bozos opinion here, so please dont take offense. I eagerly await the next pill…with stories about lifes little strange happenings, and the foolish way you, and we all react to them.


  2. Yeah, I enjoyed being able to talk to you but its just not as fun for the listeners. The service is still in beta so they may improve the quality in the future (thats my hope).

    Still, I’d love it if maybe you did one live show a month.


  3. I’m with Mike. For the first time in 2 years I switched off a Pill episode waaaaaaay before the end.

    I’m sure it was fun for the people involved but not that interesting to listen to. It’s not really the poor technology that was the big problem…more the disjointedness of conversation.

    However, life is supposed to be an adventure and you gotta try new stuff.

  4. I don’t know, I quite enjoyed it. The sound quality was a bit irritating at first but I got used to it as the show progressed. As for the content it was quite cool to have all these other voices chiming in and call me crazy, but I just enjoyed the entire thing.

  5. Hey Dan, I was thinking about your show the other day and started wondering if you had ever talked about your first dates. I know you have mentioned dances and things like that before but, just wondered. My son just went on his first date the other day and so I guess that’s where this “pondering” came from.

    Thanks for the show! – Mike

  6. Hey Dan,

    I got home in time to hear the last 10 min of the show LIVE on TalkShoe but couldn’t get the client to work before the show ended. I did get it running shortly after and interacted on Victor’s Show (Typical Mac User Podcast), and even recorded a TalkShoe episode the next night. I’m very interested in the technology (when they get the kinks worked out).

    But like you, I don’t get to talk to people on my show so even with the tech glitches, it was nice to interact with the listeners. I think you did a great job.

    cheers, – Bruce

  7. Hello Dan! Maybe it wasnt a very good show, but we gotta cut some slack for the way with the snickers bar toope. That show was really funny.

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