10 thoughts on “#92: The Booth Faced South East

  1. Dan
    What’s the chances that the next big sitcom (that will be bigger than Friends or Seinfeld) will all take place in the booth?
    Without the booth it would be just another run of the mill sitcom.
    The booth will be the star!!!

    Just teasing!!
    Another good introspective show!!


  2. Dan! Your Dad messed you up big time. You are not insane. Look at a map.

    Where you live, the Pacific Ocean is (as you thought) to THE WEST. As it is in Santa Monica, Hermosa Beach, El Segundo, Redondo Beach, Venice, Marina Del Rey and Manhattan Beach.

    South of Rancho Palos Verdes, the ocean is, in fact, to THE SOUTH of the shoreline. That twisted coastline can really mess you up.

    What you really should be using for landmarks driving in L.A. are the giant concrete donuts on top of the donut shops.

  3. I relate to your situation dan, I have a lot of problems with locations in my own city, mexico city. Thats why I keep a compass in my car and I do a lot of sign reading. The show was a bit boring for me at times because Ive never been in L.A so all your monologue about directions made me feel a little odd. But well, its the pill, i love the pill, i need the pill.

    I should go back to work,

    see you

  4. Name for the ex-booth…

    John Wilkes? Ah…Nope.
    William..or Bill, for short? Maybe not.
    Connie? (Fawlty Towers/John Cleese).
    ‘Phantom Troll’? (Deliberate variant).

    Man, that was one nice booth, Dan.
    The memories are priceless, and you can keep those (the photo is enough of a reminder). Do understand your attachment to objects, don’t share it in the same way. Boxes…boxes…boxes…ah, the boxes. I am convinced computer and video game boxes will, one day, be serious collector items. And I have a collection that will prove to be a veritable goldmine to our…grandchildren?

    Judy is directionally challenged, that is why she has several GPS devices, and now does geocaching (‘meeting the challenge head-on’, perhaps). I deliberately look for landmarks everywhere I go, visually tracing my steps, so I know where I am, and how to get back (and I now have a PDA-GPS too, just in case).

    Another Dan good podcast! 🙂

  5. I second what Scott says up above Dan. Your Dad has messed you up. Having lived in LA for 14 years before returning to the EAST coast you must believe that the sun sets over the water to the WEST on the beaches of the SOUTH BAY and above. Of course Malibu and above is a whole other story. Great show and keep up the entertainment. I really relate being a “older” new dad myself. I love to here your stories about you kids. While I am somtimes a stay at home dad, most of the time I have to be in the Big City working. Take care!

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