#93: Load Bearing Studs

Well, last week was the week of the kid’s winter concerts. Everything was great. Good for the family, boring for the show.

A real shut-in reaches out.

This was the weekend that my cousins were coming over to (help?) build the studio in the garage. Yikes. They weren’t standing around with their hands in their pockets.

Let It Snow and The Night Before Christmas performed by Hudson.

6 thoughts on “#93: Load Bearing Studs

  1. Hope you have a great Christmas Dan!

    Seeing your show pop up in my RSS aggregator gives me a big grin, because I know that tomorrow morning, I’ll have a new BP to listen to. And for a short while, the rest of the world will fade away, as I dream of warped kitchen tables, strange stares straight ahead in the hall, and the occasional gas station ooopsie. Your candor and mater of fact style leaves me envious.

    Again, have a good one!

  2. Way to go, Hudson! Your holiday tunes were a delight. Who was singing backup with you?

    Dan, tell your cousin “nice gams”. How about some pictures of the completed studio? That was your best Studio-V show yet, btw.

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Hey Dan. Are you and that guy cush sleeping together? because you speak so highly of him, ive listened to his show and sucks big time. You are the only king of podcasting dan.

    The hudson song was cute and he has a good voice. he should be a recording artist.

  4. Merry Christmas to all of you, my friend. Did you get my e-mail response to your query the other day? You can’t just make a request like that and let it hang, my friend… (so to speak). Loved the latest Pill, and I agree with those above — photos of the studio “in progress,” and completed!

    Happy Holidays, my friend.


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