Season’s Greetings from The Bitterest Pill

I hope everyone is having a happy season. I’ll be back to the show around January 10th or so. We’re currently in New York, visiting family and The Big Apple and…well, reality.

Happy New Year!

– dK

5 thoughts on “Season’s Greetings from The Bitterest Pill

  1. Happiest holiday’s to you and the rest of the Klass….
    Miss you! For some reason the company firewall isn’t allowing 93 and 92 to download. Grrrr!

    All the best in the New Year!

  2. Hey Dan,

    Hope you are having a great time in (hot) New York.

    Just want you to know that I am still listening and loving the shows… even after all this time.

    I totally feel for you when you talk about all the Stay at home stuff…. really feels like you are talking to me 🙂


  3. Christopher called, and told us how you showed up at his doorstep. he was very happy you did. Mardona says hi.

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