11 thoughts on “#96: Snot Kills

  1. Dan,
    Thank you so much. I have a psychology test today. It’s a biggie. I’ve been freaking out over it for the last two days. I needed to relax. I’m going to be ok. I know the sutff, but I needed to R E L A X.

    I was glad to see your podcast come up next in my playlist. As I made the long walk into the building I laughed, and laughed. It was nice to hear someone lse freak out as you freak out. It made me laugh, and that made me relax.

    Thanks. I needed that.

    Dave Jackson

    P.S. I’ve been battling a cold for two weeks.

  2. The glands in your nose and throat continually produce mucus (one to two quarts a day). It moistens and cleans the nasal membranes, humidifies air, traps and clears inhaled foreign matter, and fights infection. Although mucus normally is swallowed unconsciously, the feeling that it is accumulating in the throat or dripping from the back of your nose is called post-nasal drip.

    Glad I could help…..

  3. Post-nasal drip is snot dripping out of the back of your nose, down to the throat. It causes gagging, gacking, choking, and dying.

    Big computer company with a famous ad campaign?
    Hmmmm…… “Hello, I’m a *beep* and I’m a *beepbeep*”


  4. Another brilliantly funny show, Dan.
    Thank you for being “Inside The Podcasters’ Studio”, and for being the first podcaster to be featured on the cover of PUM, we are humbled and honoured.

  5. Hi Dan,

    Last Friday, I sent an email to pill at danklass d0t com and it kept getting bounced back to me. However a note to dk at this same domain did not bounce back. You may want to look into it.


  6. Hi Dan,
    I HAD to reply to this show. I just listened to it in the car on my drive home from work, and I’m laughing hysterically until it hits me: I HAD THE SAME REACTION. Yes. Two years ago, I was on Biaxin for a sinus infection. I had grown an immunity to the prior antibioitic so my doctor gave me some samples of Biaxin. On a Thursday, I think.

    My first bad reaction was that my stomach hurt. So I was told by my doctor to either take it with food, or to split it in half so that it wouldn’t be so harsh on my stomach. But by saturday night, I’m having a really strange reaction. My stomach hurts. But in addition to that, I remember reading that antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the body. So then I’m thinking, oh my god, I’m getting sick! My body can’t fight infection because the good bacteria is dead! So in the middle of the night, I get an attack to wash my hands in scolding hot water, and gobs of soap. I’m afraid to drink a glass of water, because I’m suddenly questioning the cleanliness of my hands, the glass, the faucet, etc. So I stop, and I’m sitting on the kitchen floor, sobbing because I’m so scared.

    Then I read on webmd.com that anxiety is a side effect of biaxin. That sunday, I called up the emergency line to my doctor, and a doctor is paged and calls me back and I tell him that I’m flipping out. I’m going OCD because of a stomach ache. He tells me to stop it, and then they prescribe a different antibiotic for me.

    Crisis averted. But I forgot ALL about the anxiety I felt until I listened to this.. And my body over-produces mucus as well. I’m on a daily dose of either mucinex or some other form of decongestant. So I feel your pain, Dan.


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