#99: Get Your Own Thing Going

Pill Phone

I almost got a job with a great new start-up. Almost. Oh, well. At least the show won’t suffer…

My new phone is a Motorola SLVR. I think I like it a lot. At least, I like that the wall paper and the ring tone are all from “The Pill.”

I strongly suggest “profiling” the other people in line at the grocery store (and do a better job than I do)…

Call 206-309-PILL (7455) to leave me a “Happy 100” message. Or, not. Actually, if you don’t call, it’s less work for me…

19 thoughts on “#99: Get Your Own Thing Going

  1. Dan – there is an answer to your pen problems. Once you’ve used one you’ll never go back. They’ll write on receipts and any other surface, under water or in space.


    It won’t solve all your grocery store problems 😉 But your pen will ALWAYS work.

  2. Hey Dan,

    Very interesting you’re going through the same transition as I am. I’m a stay at home dad and actor. Even though I do get acting work(live in Vancouver), I’ve had a bit of yearning to break from the endless hustle and try a grown up job. Problem is I don’t want something that would completely suck the creativity out of me. I need my creativity to pay me in some way though. Oh well, good luck!

  3. A somewhat chilling view. I’m 38 and I have to agree with Dan regarding who is getting hired.

    I’m a single guy with no woman and that makes shopping very streamlined for me. I am often frustrated in the supermarket because I have very little to get checked out but I’ve got to stand behind people with trolley-loads full. Even though the incidence of single people living single lives in single spaces is on the rise, a lot of stores do not cater for them. Fast-food restaurants are another example. I’m always behind someone who is ordering for 4 or more people and it drives me crazy. I’m a methodical person but Dan’s protocol for supermarket-checkout-line choice is more advanced than mine. I’m going to use it!

  4. Hey Dan! I felt very simpathetic towards you with your views about getting a serious job. I recently left my long time beloved unemployment to get a serious job as a legal advisor. I miss the seinfeldian side of me that used to complain and wine about all sorts of stuff that have no importance whatsoever.

    I liked myself so very much when I was unemployed. Im not funny anymore.

    Greetings Dan

  5. Re: The Supermarket lines….

    I have my own pet peeves, and they involve loading items on the belt and packing them in bags.

    I hate people who take up way too much space on the belt. The belt dividers are there to allow the next customer to begin their loading. I hate when people spread their own stuff out so much you can’t load your own when you are behind them. I always try and load mine as tightly as possible.

    Then there’s the issue of bagging. See, I have a system when it comes to bagging. I always load the frozens together on the belt, as well as the produce, etc… This way – when I go to bag, I put all the frozens together in one bag, produce in another….and it keeps everything compartmentalized when I go to unpack… But see – about 7% of the time they have some pimply faced kid bagging. The kid is inevitably socializing with the cashiers, not paying attention, and won’t start bagging right away. So at the point he starts bagging, he just puts everything together willy-nilly, ruining my system.

    Dan – can you sympathize?


  6. yeah, checks need to be banned….

    …although i have to say…even though im no technophobe, i still hate self-checkout. i leave the scanning to the pros /people who work there/…they’re much faster…

  7. Rob, I used to be one of those high-school baggers….believe or not we had to take a 2×4 hour (payed) training course on bagging: i.e. what to pack together, etc…INSANE! but i guess it seems such courses are necessary…

  8. Hi Dan,

    I have another insane checkout story that I posted on my blog a while ago (click on my name above). In terms of not getting the job, I think you secretly dreaded getting it, although you long to rejoin the working world. Don’t give any ideas to my husband though, I NEED him at home!!


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