#100: Next Time, I’ll Do Better

100 PillsYes, (finally) it’s show #100! I talk about BMW (me like), Maui (me like), Stumble Upon (me like), Twitter (huh?) and unplugging every once in a while…

Also, a couple sick child stories.

I want to be your Oprah. Let’s get our crap together…together. Do you want to join The Bitterest Pill Book Club?
Coming soon: Dan 2.0

Thanks to Keith and Chemda of Keith and the Girl, Andy Bilodeau of AndyCast, Rodrigo of Mexico, and Marc my psycho stalker.

Scott Sigler’s Ancestor makes it to the #8 spot on Amazon.com. I ordered mine, did you order yours?

14 thoughts on “#100: Next Time, I’ll Do Better

  1. Dan, it actually hit #7! Only Harry Potter beat me out in the fiction category. Damn that four-eyed guy.

    Ancestor and my first novel, EarthCore, were #1 and #2 on Amazon’s Horror Bestseller list, and #1 and #4 on the SciFi Bestseller list.

    What a day!

  2. Hi Dan,

    Excellent show…I can relate to the sick kids thing …TJ, 3 year old son barfed all over me in the playroom and I too made the little hand cup in hopes that some how, I could catch the contents…of course, I was unsuccessful.

    Once again, well done on 100 Bitterest Pills and all our best to you and the rest of the Klass household!

    Andy, Vivian and TJ

  3. Hey Dan,

    Thanks for the show, finally! Congrats on the 100th again, keep up the great work, hope the studio is done soon, hope the kids feel better, and hope you unplug (im trying to do the same)…

    Good luck on Dan2.0, let us know how that works out…


    PS. “Rodrigo of Mexico” hahahaha I like it…

  4. Congratulations on reaching the century mark, Dan.
    #100 had all the right ingredients to make a worthwhile listen.
    As regards twitter…
    Maybe a bunch of 140 characters or less text messages can be the equivalent of a 46 minute podcast for a lot of people? Maybe it’s a way to feel less alone in the world? It’s certainly easier to knock out a quick text than to produce a podcast.
    I am just putting it out there. That twitter’s appeal might be similar to why we podcast? I enjoy both.
    Take your points about the whole internet thing. Haven’t tried StumbleUpon. Maybe I shouldn’t. There’s enough tap-tap-tap going on as it is!
    Some heavy stuff in there too. I hear you.
    Wishing you all the best with whatever changes you make.

  5. Hey Dan,

    Long time listener here, congrats on reaching show #100, and this one was a gooder!! (but aren’t they all??)

    The story about listening to the podcast while Hudson was “sleeping” – Hilarious!!

    Keep up the great work.


  6. Mr. Klass, you will be spending an additional 15 minutes in Purgatory for turning me on to Stumble Upon.

    See you there.

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