#104: Another Apocryphal Show

Slumber Note

I read a little “fan mail” from a former listener. She got it right, I do have my head firmly implanted into my rectum. Need further proof, listen to the tale of Cool Chick’s sleep over. I need a vacation.

10 thoughts on “#104: Another Apocryphal Show

  1. Dan,

    Isn’t the premise of The ‘Pill is that you’re a somewhat well-to-do so-cal non-native who is enamored with jeering society and himself?

    The hecklers seem to not understand, as you said.

    Great show!

  2. Don’t let her get you down, Dan. Anyone who uses the expletive “Holy Guacamole” is no one you have to take seriously. And she is not even using the word “apocryphal” correctly. Sure, it can broadly be used to mean “fictional”, but the root of an apocryphal story is one that has fallen out of the official history or cannon, a story that has been purposefully hidden away. The word now tends to be used to refer to an old story that may or may not be true. An urban legend, may be considered an apocryphal story. A story you told two weeks ago? Not so much. So perhaps, now that this lady has stopped downloading your podcast, she can find a good dictionary one to sort her out.

    I am always a little amazed at people who will take the time to email a podcast their “Dear John” letter– I mean, what, do they want their money back? Even if, say, her letter made you completely change your outlook and next episode was recorded while you were on your bike riding from bank to bank to alert customers to suspicious packages (your children, of course, left at home unsupervised to do the laundry) well if she has read you the riot act and then tuned out, she would never even hear whether her comments had affected the show.

    A thing I’ve always kept in mind about critics- and this is something an older actor told me when I was just out of school and getting one of my first bad reviews at some Summer Stock theatre- ‘In general, critics only want to talk about themselves. Your work is just the thing in the way.’ And I think that advice applies when it comes to this lady’s email.

    Keep up the good work, Dan. Some people don’t get it, but I am one of the (many, I think) who do.

  3. Dan,

    This is best show you’ve done in a long time. I laughed out loud … at work! I hope more people can get you riled up again soon. It’s very amusing.


  4. ok, not for one minute did I ever think you lied. Or what was that stupid big word a had never heard of before? Oh yeah Apocryphal.
    Like whatever keep being you dude.

  5. I have not listened to your or any podcasts for a while. I was so happy you were still out there and had not started to charge for your podcast. It is so awesome! Your wit and humor are really great.
    I feel like we may have had some sort of encounter in the summer of ’79. Keep up the good work. I’m downloading all the shows I missed to catch up. Do you have any pictures of you as a young man? What about Melissa?

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