#108: Low Blood Sugar Molesters

fountains in Chelsea

Wow, do I need to eat. Now that I’m trying to cut back on the calories, I’m making myself nuts from lack of food. Ah, the joys of low blood sugar…

We’re back from NY, with lots to go over, including my yelling wife, Crazy Jack and Dune Boy, Ho Bowl and Jim Bob’s, the new after-lunch treat at Friendly’s, the Molester Busters at the library and the huge blue…”fountains” at the park in Chelsea.

Thanks to all our friends and family for the wonderful trip. We miss you already…

Visit Verve and Verve Shoes on Bleeker Street in Greenwich Village.

18 thoughts on “#108: Low Blood Sugar Molesters

  1. There’s the name for the next Pill CD:

    The Bitterest Pill Vol. 2: GIANT BLUE PHALLUSES!

    One of the best, by far.

    Good works, Dan!

  2. Crap, I might be the yeller.

    Apparently I’m more like Melissa, my wife, more like you. I’ll have to share this episode with the wife.

    Question: Can we switch roles? I thinking it’s possible.

    Great show.

  3. Crap, I might be the yeller.

    Apparently I’m more like Melissa, my wife, more like you. I’ll have to share this episode with the wife.

    Question: Can we switch roles? I’m thinking it’s possible. I think I’ve sufficiently conditioned her.

    Great show.

  4. I am crying from laughing. Your “Happy Ending” story had me laughing so hard. My face hurts. Thank you very, very much for that happy middle 🙂 [goes back to finish the rest of the podcast]

  5. Man, I wish they gave the other kid of Happy Ending at Friendly’s. Well, they do have the ‘Fribble.’ I just went to Friendly’s for the first time in about 15 years. After taking the Bar here in Maryland, I drank about a pint of bourbon and then my wife drive me to Friendly’s where I had a chocolate milkshake (Fribble) and cheesefries.

    A good time was had by all.

    On other matters…

    1500 calories! Dude, are you 5’1? I have said it before, and I will say it again, LA kills. You need to get out of there. I am frightened whenever I see pictures of those women in their 30s and over who look like the sun out there has just dried them right up. Take it easy. Up the calorie count a little bit and just make exercise a part of your life. Playing with the kids counts. Walking (briskly) somewhere counts. I admit to not being a perfect physical specimen, but I feel like I get in enough playing with my two kids (6 and 3), taking them for walks (to get bagels, sure, but, you know), putting in 20-30 minutes right after they go to sleep 3-4 nights a week and the 1-2 times a week I make it to martial arts class. Maybe that won’t work for you, but don’t be that asshat who takes the elevator to the gym to ride the stairmaster. good luck.

  6. Man, I wish they gave the other kind of Happy Ending at Friendly’s. Well, they do have the ‘Fribble.’ I just went to Friendly’s for the first time in about 15 years. After taking the Bar here in Maryland, I drank about a pint of bourbon and then my wife drive me to Friendly’s where I had a chocolate milkshake (Fribble) and cheesefries.

    A good time was had by all.

    On other matters…

    1500 calories! Dude, are you 5’1? I have said it before, and I will say it again, LA kills. You need to get out of there. I am frightened whenever I see pictures of those women in their 30s and over who look like the sun out there has just dried them right up. Take it easy. Up the calorie count a little bit and just make exercise a part of your life. Playing with the kids counts. Walking (briskly) somewhere counts. I admit to not being a perfect physical specimen, but I feel like I get in enough playing with my two kids (6 and 3), taking them for walks (to get bagels, sure, but, you know), putting in 20-30 minutes right after they go to sleep 3-4 nights a week and the 1-2 times a week I make it to martial arts class. Maybe that won’t work for you, but don’t be that asshat who takes the elevator to the gym to ride the stairmaster. good luck.

  7. Hey Dan

    Good Show!

    I am not the wimp too in my current relationship and Ive wonder too why my gal treats me like crap and is very gentle with complete strangers. Ive asked her and she says its because she is confident that I can take it because I love her. Such an Irony.

    About the fat nosy woman I think the attitude she took was a result of all the paranoia, you guys (americans) live in. Consider also that fat middle age women probably dont have much of a life to take care of so they naturally get involved in other people bussines. I actually think your a heavily paranoid dude too.

    Dany boy, I get that your content is limited because pressure from the wife, but I think the fact that you mention it takes a little bit of the feeling of authenticity that your shows has. I get it man, your not gonna ruin your life for a podcast that doesnt even give enough money to eat. I wouldnt do it either. But it kind of gives me the idea that were getting left overs, you know?

    Well, those were my 2 cents.

    Enjoy your sparkling penises dan, I will enjoy my happy ending.


  8. Hey Dan, awesome show brother! I just got married, so we haven’t selected a designated ‘yeller’ yet; I can’t say whether it will be me or my wife, but I do know that it will be my fault regardless. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am going to Friendly’s.

  9. Dan…
    You had us laughing out loud.

    I am definitely the yeller in our family. In fact, the day we listened to the podcast, I had yelled at my computer and at a tomato. No lie.

    See you in Ontario next month!

  10. How about Friendly’s opening a few locations here in SoCal? I guess we have In-N-Out to make up for it, but, come on!

    Oh well, I just read that Dunkin’ Donuts will be coming here sometime soon.

    No Fribble, but I’ll take a Boston Cream donut.

  11. “That’s how they get molested?!?”

    Oh, lawd, you should’ve frickin’ killed them and had a six pack and an entire bag of chips!

  12. Hahahaha… you nearly got me in trouble at work. I had the hardest time containing my laughter on this one. I can totally identify.

    Keep it up Dan.

  13. Hi Dan, just catching up in shows.

    1. Exercise three times a week and you can pretty much eat what the you like. I am not a big exercise fan but I love my food too much not to!

    2. Once you men start learning to do as you are told then you can expect us women to stop yelling!

    Just thought I would pass on my invaluable wisdom and experience. This was a great show……thanks.

  14. //,,,Hello guys,

    Good to be back and I thought I’d add another comment. Its an interesting topic and should be discussed.

    Anyhow I enjoyed reading your post as it is relevant to today! Ill check back soon for any added comments, thanks.

    It would be great to get this thread really active again!

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