Animal Rescue Force Friends! is now on-line

The first episode of Animal Rescue Force Friends is finally on-line.

Hudson is going to update the website over the next couple of days, but the video is finally on the web. It’s the episode we showed at the New Media Expo in September with a few changes, a new intro and some fun sound effects.
Tell the kids! Hope you enjoy it.

We’re waiting for the show to hit iTunes to tell everyone how to subscribe. This is the only episode that will come down The Pill feed. If you don’t want it, just chuck it. Thanks.

11 thoughts on “Animal Rescue Force Friends! is now on-line

  1. Yes! Thank you for posting. I have eagerly been awaiting a chance to see it again and share with the rest of the family. I hope Hudson (or designated proxy) will post some tips on puppet making.

  2. That was great! Kudos to Hudson and yourself for the quality show. Love the sound “effects”! Wish I had a kid to share it with 🙂

  3. Awesome and well done Dan & Hudson!

    Long awaited and it was great. cool puppets. Will show the kids (3 and 5) tomorrow.

    That’s a cool British accent Dan…but you do know they only mostly talk like that in the movies don’t you? I see a lot of Terry Thomas in that character (from The Great Race/Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines).

  4. Good job!! That was a great english accent and Nigel sounded a little scottish to me! Kids loved it but wanted to see the next episode…..

  5. That is awesome. I’m really looking forward to the second episode!

    The theme song is the best. The 80’s pop/synth influence is prominent. You should sell the soundtrack on iTunes, and let that be your solution for a steady income!

    A dedicated Beary fan,

  6. I thought it was great, but my KIDS…

    Well, let’s just say they watched it — each — about six or seven times. So far. And then I took the iPod away for a bit because we weren’t eating lunch. At all.

    (I’d say, from this perspective, that it’s a winner).

    More, more, more!

    ; )

  7. Another big thumbs up from our household. My nearly-three-year-old watched it raptly, then said, “You play it again.” So I did. And now as I type this comment, he’s saying plaintively, “I want to turn it on again.”

  8. The green screening looks GORGEOUS. Horray for Final Cut Pro Horray for your meticulous lighting. Horray in general.

  9. The green screening looks GORGEOUS. Horray for Final Cut Pro Horray for your meticulous lighting. Horray in general.

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