#135: Can You Answer Your Phone Please?

answer your phone

I had to go to New York City. I had to bring a large video camera and tripod with me, as well as a pressed shirt and pants. We had to fly in on Monday, video tape something at the crack of dawn Tuesday, and fly back to Los Angeles. It was a perfect plan. Until I got involved…

As an additional note: what someone receives a phone call placed at 7am in New York City, it is 4am in Los Angeles. Four. Sorry baby.

Check out the work of Seth and Nathan Anderson at Lullskull.com

Check out 7th Son: Obsidian and The Coverville 500 Concert. Watch Lance Anderson dot com for info on Verge of LA.

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6 thoughts on “#135: Can You Answer Your Phone Please?

  1. Great travel story. You and Tim should write them down sometime for a book. I hope you didn’t give the cab driver a $200 reward for the iPhone…what a nice man though.

    Got to say though, most people here who are not children would NEVER share a room with another guy, apart from the obvious (which I’m not suggesting of course!), no matter what the cost saving was. If my employer required me to do this on a business trip, I think I’d stand a pretty good chance of winning a constructive dismissal case.

  2. Ye Gods, Dan your stories always give me anxiety! I don’t know how you live in your own skin. It is nice to know that someone else out there also has the universe to fight.

  3. Well, phone calls in our global world are allways a problem. Once I tried to call a guy in North Carolina from Germany. I picked the phoen at 11 am … but did´t realize it was 3 am there.
    And this was the most important business partner of my boss. Jesus, I was really afraid of getting into trouble

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