#136: Frogboy and Crazy Chicken

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I feel the need to talk about Crazy Chicken. Again. Twice. Is it possible for one man to fully redeem El Polo Loco? You never know…

I also discuss the dangers of Facebook, and recount my vague memories of The Adventures of FrogBoy and Cueball…

Thanks to Jeff, Zack and Caleb & his wife for hanging out Saturday night for the recording.

Yes, I am obsessed with Italian Spiderman!

This show is currently only available to Premium Podcast Subscribers.  Sorry.

10 thoughts on “#136: Frogboy and Crazy Chicken

  1. I looked into mystery shopping a while back and, as part of being an approved shopper for, say, KFC, you have to undergo online training, which is basically taken from the company’s own customer service manual, including how you should smile!

    Gives you a fascinating insight into why they do certain things and what they should not do. I can understand your point about the breast meat, but they have whole chickens they need to get rid of, so if everyone has breasts, they will need to ditch the rest of the chicken, or at least until the guys in the lab develop a chicken that is just a breast! So even if you pay them a little extra, this does not compensate for them potentially losing the rest of the chicken pieces if everyone did the same.

    I’d also recommend you read the book “Fast food Nation” as i’m sure this will help to cure you a little of this dependency on fast food. We are getting as bad here with fast food, and our waistlines prove this.

    Oh, and re: Facebook, why did you join then if you don’t want people to contact you? Isn’t that one of the main reasons for any social NETWORKING site?

  2. Foods with natural preservatives have a shorter shelf life than those with artificial preservatives. Foods containing the banned items were supposed to be labelled “Do not feed to ruminants”. That’s because you need less of those kinds of foods than you do of fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy foods. Calcium builds strong bones to last a lifetime, so you need these foods in your diet.

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