#170: Breathing Head & Staying Up

Well, I finally get to the end of the Hawaii trip: the trip home.  The island hopper flight didn’t go as smoothly as planned (literally).  Sure, we landed in Kona.  It’s just a shame we landed so far from where I thought we’d be.

We finally got on the jumbo jet (phew) and had a nice arguement about the placement of the carry-on bag, which inevitably ended with each of us thinking to the other, “Well, I know where I’d LIKE to stow it!”

And, yes, the man sitting two rows up seems very nice, but what the hell is living in his skull?  I can see it moving…

Eventually, Hudson got his beloved Mario Kart and had a sleep over.  We went golfing in the dark and were stalked by a floating bra and a flock of teenage doves.  Finally, we didn’t sleep.  But, that’s the point, right?

This episode currently only available to Premium Pill subscribers.

3 thoughts on “#170: Breathing Head & Staying Up

  1. I too am another who just discovered your site. Enjoy what I am seeing so far, and the fact you have merchandise for sale speaks to your success. after all, no one wants to wear Some Dude’s Blog on his head or chest. rather that marketing space is usually reserved to make a statement.

    Am heading over to listen to my first podcast of yours.

  2. Laughed out loud at the floating bra, would have been hilarious to see, if not a little off putting, pardon the pun.

    Putt Putt is such a funny phrase – what is wrong with Crazy Golf?!

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