#174: ENTER: Cousin Ronny


Despite what you are about to hear, the producers of The Bitterest Pill do not condone, nor to their guests condone, any of the following:  drug use, pornography, breaking and entering, firearms, discussing Hugh Jackman’s sexuality, making fun of poodle-toting transvestites, living with the officially insane, cooking eggs with a cappuccino steamer, or beating up people at ice cream parlors, no matter what they do to your car.

Ladies and gentleman, The Bitterest Pill welcomes: Cousin Ronny

Olga’s voice was recorded using WireTap Studio from Ambrosia Software.

3 thoughts on “#174: ENTER: Cousin Ronny

  1. Jersey!

    You from Jersey? I’m from Jersey?

    Seriously though, everyone loves to hate on Jersey, but really, it is a nice place to live.

    I’m not sure why you guys, who live in the Los Angeles area, which to ME seems to be HUGELY expensive, think it’s expensive to live HERE. I think it’s all relative, really. I’m pretty sure housing prices where you are, are almost double where I am – and I live 10 miles from Princeton, and 1 mile from a train station that can take me to NYC or Philly in about an hour.

    I know….all you’ve seen of Jersey is the parts by Newark Airport. But we have so much more. I just had to chime in on it.

    Great show, and great to actually put a voice to Cousin Ronny.



  2. Danny & Ronny —

    Really good to hear Ronny/River’s voice again, and great to hear about his success in the restaurant biz. I remember being at his parents house in Westport, and marvelling at the fact that he was making steak tartare for himself… so the restaurant news didn’t stun me. And I also recall (maybe on the same trip?) meeting his then girlfriend in a bookstore/coffeeshop in Westport. I don’t remember her name, but I do remember that she was breathtakingly beautiful, had long dark/black hair (I think), and was wearing some sort of sweater dress. It was very beautiful as well, but when she got up from the table to go to the ladies room, we saw that the dress was almost completely back-less (may even have been some butt cleavage, although my memory may have added that detail over the years), and the three of us just sat there slack-jawed.

    Always hated Ronny.

    ; )

    Timmy B

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