#177: So, In Review (part two) (aka: “Ow, Her Nose”)

The follow up to the last episode’s abrupt and mysterious ending.  Turns out Princess T ran into the play structure at school and practically broke her nose.  Excitement abounds.

is edition is currently available to Premium Pill subscribers only

2 thoughts on “#177: So, In Review (part two) (aka: “Ow, Her Nose”)

  1. Being a pediatrician or plastic surgeon in the States must be akin to taking sweets off a baby. I’d probably be there too though with my Princess!

  2. Nursemaid’s… Yep Fox had that, from swinging between the two of us on a walk.

    Weekend evening meant the ER, but they were quite good, had to wait a fair while as nursemaid’s elbow is low on the immediate needs of triage, but eventually a nice pediatrician came in and did the little bend-and-rotate maneuver.

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