Pill Refill: “We are all Fairport”

The hill in mourning

This is a “Pill Refill,” a revisiting of my 2007 podcast, “We are all Fairport.”  This “Best Of” episode was requested by Mike Hamilton of The Disney Podcast Directory.  Thanks, Mike, for encouraging me to put this out again.


From the original 2007 blog post:

Twenty-five years ago, I graduated from Fairport High School in Fairport, NY.

On June 26th of this year, a mere five days after graduating themselves, five young women died in a head on collision with a tractor trailer while traveling to a family cottage.
Hannah Congdon, Bailey Goodman, Meredith McClure, Sara Monnat, and Katie Shirley were the victims. I didn’t know them, of course, but I did. We all did. And, never will.

After all, we are all Fairport.

One thought on “Pill Refill: “We are all Fairport”

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I know I tell my kids to be careful all the time. Every morning when my husband, who is a police officer, leaves I tell him to be careful. If I forget I run out and make sure to tell him. If not I call him. Why? Not only do I want him to be safe but I don’t want my last words, in the worst case scenario, to be some half hearted goodbye.

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