#179: If You Weren’t Such a Loser

Apparently, therapy is expensive.  Now, if I could afford therapy, I probably wouldn’t need therapy.  Hmmm…  Sometimes you just have to forget your troubles and just have a PopTart down at the bowling alley.  I know, I know, it all makes more sense when I say it…

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6 thoughts on “#179: If You Weren’t Such a Loser

  1. I find getting out of the house and going for a walk is a good way to clear your head. I’m at my _least_ creative when sitting in front of my PC.

  2. They charge to rent shoes in the US still? What a con!

    It’s just my opinion, and I am probably wrong, and, apart from you wanting to share it, it’s none of my business, but a few thoughts. Sorry, this is a bit of a list.

    1. It can’t be condusive to a marriage to be working in the same house together all the time, especially if Melissa needs to work on the telephone.
    2. why don’t you expand or do more work to the garage studio to make it a proper office for Melissa (soundproof it too) as I guess you could still do your recordings anyway when she isn’t working? then she’d have a proper space, not work in the bedroom. put in A/C of course, some nice plants etc.
    3. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to work at home , especially to telephone, when kids are there. And it’s not the kids fault.
    4. I think the duvet incident is because Melissa is just angry at you, period, as you say. Probably because she feels the pressure in these uncertain times to earn all the money and perceives she is carrying this burden.
    5. I think the thing about being there for the kids might be a bit of a security blanket you hold so you don’t have to face up to the reality. Which is…
    6. You need to get a job outside of the house, even if it’s part time. As you said recently, you need to miss people sometimes to appreciate them more. And I think Melissa might not be so mad at you and might start treating you like a man and not a 3rd child.
    7. A woman is never wrong and must never be challenged, even if she adopts behaviour that she critisizes from you.

    Dan, we all love you, but therapy won’t help – you just need to get back into the real world.

    good luck


  3. Wayne –

    1. Everybody has their own reality (real world). Everyones is different.

    2. I know some people who are together 24/7 and are quite happy. I would not be one of them.

    3. Not all woman (at least not me) believe that they are always right.

    4. The garage studio sounds very good.

    5. Some of your comments are kind of – harsh.

    6. Dan is not a 3rd child. I stay at home and I am BUSY. If you do this job right you are BUSY. Enough said.

    7. Therapy can help.

    You are the man Dan and we love you.

  4. Hey RZ, as I said, just my opinion. Of course Dan isn’t a child and doesn’t act like one, and of course he is busy (I have 2 small ones too). But there are some women who, when stressed, will treat a man like a child. I’m glad you are not one of them, but my own personal observation is that this can happen. I was saying that if Melissa went to work in her own space and not the bedroom, then she and Dan would get the space they probably need.

    Dan is, indeed, the man but it’s fairly obvious to me that many of the issues are because he is at home too much and doesn’t feel like a real provider. Sorry if this sounds harsh but sometimes you have to tell the people you like what you think. Then it’s up to them, but of couse we will support Dan what ever he does.

  5. I’ve done 15-18 years of the same thing, I am *not* a loser.
    Neither are you, Dan.
    Your children will prove you right in the end,
    ‘Nuff said.
    We are 110% win, that is the enduring fact.

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