#183: Zone 9 AGAIN?!


Zone 9 is back to its old tricks.  Great.  It’s like having a newborn baby in the house with all the constant carrying on.  And, the Tivo died.  And, its replacement arrived D.O.A.  Nice.  At least a little blonde angel came and rescued my day…

This episode is only available to Premium Pill subscribers.  Sorry.

2 thoughts on “#183: Zone 9 AGAIN?!

  1. Dan —

    The ending says (and said) it all. Isn’t it amazing that you KNOW that, but every time it happens, it still catches you off-guard and owns your heart?

    It’s a good, good thing, my friend.

    ; )


  2. Hey Dan,
    I’ve been a fan for years, but was only able to start on the premium pill about a month ago thanks to some extra money from college grants. I love your stories, they are amazingly entertaining, and all these little encounters with your wife and kids on the show make me look forward to life after school. Anyway, just thought I’d let you know that you’ve still got the younger guys following you, and the premium is worth every penny!
    You fan and friend,
    Adam Paperclip 🙂

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