#185: Stop, Trusting the Dealer

Well, I sat next to an interesting couple on the plane flight back from New York.  Interesting in that they had unusual pet names for each other…

We got home only to find out that something had gone horribly wrong with the car.  Great.  Major loss of power, followed by major loss of several hundred dollars, followed by a flashing engine light and the unmistakable warning coming from the dash:  STOP!

They kept it at the shop for a couple days and eventually gave up.  My car could only be saved by a higher power: the dealer.

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5 thoughts on “#185: Stop, Trusting the Dealer

  1. Dan, now you are a man of the world, you’ve a few years on me.

    But you have fallen hook, line and sinker for “the main dealer scam”, and to boot you thanked them for it.

    It’s probably lesson 2 in sales that in order to get what you want, you HAVE to build up the customer to believe the alternative is MUCH worse. Tell someone the price is $3,500, then be “persuaded” to offer to do some of the work for free, as a “favour” to the customer. Tell them they are going to end up in a care home if they don’t buy this special $10,000 bed. You get the picture – there are a multitude of possibilities with a car. This is the result,

    1. They get $2,500 for work that, at most, should cost less than half that – the labor rates per hour are insane these days at main dealers – yes, this is the only place they earn money these days.

    2. You will return and give them some money in the future…because you believe they are decent guys. So the gravy train goes on…

    The alternative, i.e the initial “suggestion” (never a proper quote) of the price would for sure result in you going elsewhere and never returning. But the way they have handled it/handled you, you handed over $2500 like a good puppy and then rolled on your back and asked them to pet you.

    I bet the salesman couldn’t believe how well this worked.

    Seriously, I would get a few quotes from VW specialists who are NOT main dealers (often mechanics trained by VW who think they can compete on price) and then go back and get a refund. It is absolutely not the case that only VW main dealers can service a 2002 Passat.

  2. I really hate salesman who walks in your home asking for your time for free demo about their product and telling you that what you got in your house was cheap and needed to be replaced with theirs. but they got really high prices false offers and once you buy the product they kept on returning for check up and some sort of annoying things that will cause you more trouble. I really wish I never bought that product since it only cause me trouble.

  3. Been meaning to say too, has anyone else noticed how Dan channels Ben Stiller in his schtick from Meet The Parents, Something about Mary etc (when he goes on a rant).


  4. Are all of your shows now Premium? From the flooded GA down under I have been waiting for a non-premium show since I had to, sniff, cancel my Premium.

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