Death Slug – Sprite Commercial

Now, a word from our sponsor…

This is still one of my favorite jobs of all time. The ad ended up running in movie theaters, at least here in Los Angeles. Friends who had gone to see Star Wars I were calling me from the theaters during the previews, claiming to have seem me on the big screen. So, of course, I went to see Star Wars I. All I saw was Jar Jar Binks…

PS: So, I just found a different cut of the commercial, one I don’t think I’ve EVER seen before. Great video quality and includes a great little final beat from yours truly. Check it out here.

7 thoughts on “Death Slug – Sprite Commercial

  1. Dan —

    That is a GREAT beat! Why the hell didn’t they run that?!?

    And I’ve always believed/imagined that it HAD to have been a fun shoot to work on, because it’s so good. Not to say that adverse conditions can’t produce good final product, but…

    Good stuff, bro.

  2. Fantastic Dan!

    I don’t understand why you don’t get more work. It’s not as if Jason Alexander takes every job.

  3. Danny:

    Have to say I was fortunate enough to see it on the big screen here in LA … only not during Star Wars, but before South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut. I screamed “DAAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!” at the top of my lungs when you appeared on screen, to the confusion and consternation of those around me, including the friends I went to the movie with. I guess I kind of spoiled the joke for the rest of the audience. Oh well. I owe Coca-Cola one Make-Good.

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